Masters Rell JG Guide : r/RellMains - Reddit
On rell jg you should either be running glacial or phase rush. If the enemies have a lot of mobility you'll take phase rush as glacial isn't as good vs them and if the enemy team is very immobile …
[PBE datamine] 2024 March 25 (Patch 14.7): partial revert to
2024年3月25日 · Rell jg just doesn't work well in solo queue, it requires coordination to make it work since it's low damage for ganks and team fights. Reply reply An_feh_fan
How is Rell jungle currently? : r/RellMains - Reddit
2023年10月8日 · This is good but this style of play is not a really good way to climb with rell jg. A better style of play is a more supportive, re-engage, objective skirmish focused style of play …
Why remove Rell Jungle? : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Rell jungle is already a weakish pick in soloQ, despite being _extremely_ dominant in pro (in LEC she has >90% winrate while also being second most picked jungler). There really doesn't …
Rell Jg build? : r/RellMains - Reddit
2023年6月3日 · Aftershock, shield bash, conditioning, overgrowth, future's market, and cosmic insight. Aftershock is just the best rune for autonomy and survivability in fights + aoe magic …
How is doing Rell jg in this patch? : r/RellMains - Reddit
2023年6月15日 · which sucks because last patch Rell stood strong as a very solid jungle tank pick which was a breath of fresh air as Riot really will never introduce another tank jungle, hell they …
Rell jungle viability : r/RellMains - Reddit
2023年6月8日 · Rell is aoe sej. Sej has more agency and safety but Rell can solo win teamfights with the right engage. With damage tank items, she has kill threat on squishy champions and …
AP rell jg? : r/RellMains - Reddit
2023年11月13日 · I tried it once, Ap rell jg is a good option for fun in normal only and if they are mostly low health/mr champ. Just don't look at your wr after bc to be fair and all if I ever saw a …
Goodbye rell : r/Jungle_Mains - Reddit
2024年4月2日 · The damage modifiers also impact how impactful supp Rell is at helping with drakes/grubs and it's kinda shitty that a tank support is such a valuable piece of epic monster …
Rell jungle is the best thing that has ever happened to my MMR
Funny enough, Rell jg is really strong with Q max as (until the turbo-e nerf comes), but the meta isnt suitabe for her right now, so her winrate stays below 50% in elite-ranks. Kindred Reksai …