mathisschmieder/MMDVM_HS_Hat - GitHub
This project provides a Raspberry Pi Hat for the MMDVM_HS Hotspot. It was designed for the Raspberry Pi Zero, but should work on any other Pi with the Hat interface.
phl0/MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat - GitHub
Mouser cart for rev1.0 is here. This is the Mouser cart for rev1.1. L11 and L12 are optional. The device can be used on top on a RPi attached via the GPIO port or standalone and connected …
MMDVM HS Hat hotspot Firmware Installation
MMDVM HS Hat hotspot - Firmware Installation Link here : mmdvmhshat.cf mmdvmhshat.ga :: https://github.com/mathisschmieder/MMDVM_HS_Hat/blob/master/README.md This utility …
Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV1 2-deck Serato DJ Controller
2021年12月28日 · The DDJ-REV1 matches perfectly with the free Serato DJ Lite software, boasting a brand-new battle-style layout that’s easy to use and perfect for playing like a pro. The design of this 2-channel DJ controller emulates a professional DJM-S mixer + PLX turntable setup, including specialized features for open-format and scratch DJs.
Jumbospot Version 1.7 MMDVM Simplex Hotspot UHF VHF
STM32_MMDVM_HS HAT Rev1.7 Guide 1.Hardware add (SDA,SCL)R20,R21 Connect stm32 i2c 2 bus to OLED,and raspi. oled message pwr on without RPI using mmdvm_hs custom fw,and i2c 2 bus.
DDJ-REV1 Support & firmware download - Pioneer DJ USA
Firmware, user manuals & support downloads for the Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV1, Scratch-style 2-channel DJ controller for Serato DJ Lite (Black) (Black)
Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV1 DJ-Controller im Test - Dirks-Computerecke
2025年3月5日 · Der Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV1 ist ein beeindruckender DJ-Controller, der besonders für Einsteiger geeignet ist. Das kompakte und robuste Design macht ihn ideal für den mobilen Einsatz.
BOOK-RISCV-REV1 - 《6.S081课程文档-书籍 & 论文 & 实验要求 …
2022年5月14日 · 本书是6.S081最重要的参考书目,其中详细的介绍了XV6的设计细节,在课程前往往需要阅读对应章节,做实验时也要回来查看。 BOOK-RISCV-REV1 6.S081 Fall2020是麻省理工2020年秋季的操作系统课程,MIT将学习相关的资源全部公开并放到了官网。 本课程中共涉及11个实验,需要花费一定时间来完成。 由于是国外的课程,文档资料均为英文,为方便自己后续查阅和其他英文水平不足以流畅阅读英文文献的同学也能上手本课程,计划将资料全部翻译为中 …
DDJ-REV1 - Pioneer DJ - USA
DJ Players / Turntables DJ mixers All-in-one DJ systems DJ controllers Softwares / Interfaces DJ samplers Remix stations Music production Headphones Monitor speakers Portable DJ Speakers PA speakers Accessories
Pioneer DJ DDJ-REV1 | MUSIC STORE professional
Der DDJ-REV1 ist der erste Pioneer DJ Controller, bei dem die Pitch-Fader an den oberen Rand der Deck-Sektionen verlegt und horizontal ausgerichtet wurden, um ein Battle-Turntable-Setup nachzubilden. Die Performance-Pads wurden gemeinsam mit den FX-Paddles in der Mixer-Sektion positioniert, ähnlich wie bei den Mixern der DJM-S-Serie.
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