Glide Gear REVO 150 Full Body 360 Degree Rotating Camera …
Smooth 360-Degree Rotation: Capture stunning full-body 360-degree shots effortlessly with the REVO 150 Rotating Camera Rig, perfect for professional photographers, videographers, and enthusiasts alike.
REVO 150 360 Full Body Video Rotating Camera Rig Platform
The REVO 150 is the ultimate large-scale 360-degree rotating camera rig, designed for full-body shots and dynamic motion capture. Built from high-quality aluminum, it offers adjustable extension from 24" to 44", accommodating a variety of shooting scenarios.
Glide Gear Full Body Studio 360 Rig REVO 150 B&H Photo Video
2024年9月27日 · Buy Glide Gear Full Body Studio 360 Rig featuring Create 360° Spin Shots around Subject, Camera Mounts on Ball Head on Arm, 250 lb Platform Maximum Payload, 5 lb Camera Maximum Load, Works with OH-150 Overhead System, Durable Aluminum Construction.
360 & ROTATION RIGS - Koncept Innovators, LLC
REVO 150 Full Body 360 Degree Rotating Camera Platform Rig . Price . $449. REVO 75 Top-Down 360 Degree Orbiting Camera Rig .
【器材测评】拿掉一切不真之后:Norma Revo SC-2/ PA-160MR前 …
2020年11月1日 · 140瓦的最大输出,峰值输出电流高达150安培,超过500的高阻尼因子,直逼2MHz的超高频宽,以上,都是造就Revo IPA-140优异音响性的客观因素。 它的设计也很特别。 照Norma老板Enrico Rossi的讲法,Revo IPA-140其实是仅一台加上输入选择和音量控制的后级,当中并没有前级放大,因为Enrico认为这样声音更直接、更干净、更少音染。 秉持着这样的理念,Norma的每一台扩大机,其实都具有近似的特性:直接、干净、无染、透明、有力、快速。 …
拿掉一切不真之後-Norma Revo SC-2/ PA-160MR前後級 - U …
140瓦的最大輸出,峰值輸出電流高達150安培,超過500的高阻尼因數,直逼2MHz的超高頻寬,以上,都是造就Revo IPA-140優異音響性的客觀因素。 它的設計也很特別。 照Norma老闆Enrico Rossi的講法,Revo IPA-140其實是僅一台加上輸入選擇和音量控制的後級,當中並沒有前級放大,因為Enrico認為這樣聲音更直接、更乾淨、更少音染。 秉持著這樣的理念,Norma的每一台擴大機,其實都具有近似的特性:直接、乾淨、無染、透明、有力、快速。 我這次聽 …
REVO PA-150 - Norma audio electronics
The considerable sizing of the power supply and the very high current available at the output give REVO PA 150 excellent delivery and load control capacity. Its power doubles on a 4 ohm load, so even lower loads are handled with maximum ease.
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REVO 150
Combined with the Glide Gear OH 150 and 2 C-stands, the REVO 150 can be set upside down to shoot bigger subjects. An example for such a set up is shown in the below picture.
Glide Gear REVO 150 Video Camera 360 Stand On Rotation Orbit …
Our top-shelf filmmaking gear includes state-of-the-art jib cranes, track dollies, camera sliders, follow focus systems, and much more. Our filmmaking equipment is available at revolutionary, …
Norma Audio Revo PA-150 Stereo Amplifier
The REVO PA-150 is an extremely versatile power amplifier offering high current power (140W/8Ohm) to drive the most demanding speakers. Power, dynamics, speed and transparency are combined to make a total lack of listening fatigue and outstanding musicality.
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