Rex Kralj | Design That Serves People
Rex Kralj is a contraction of Rex, Niko Kralj`s most famous design, and Kralj, his last name. Rex Kralj was established in 2012. Our company pays tribute, in both name and style, to the architect Niko Kralj (1920-2013).
Rex Chair - Rex Kralj
The story of the Rex furniture collection begins in the 1950s with the Rex foldable chair. Design Niko Kralj, 1956. On stock!
Rex - Rex Kralj
Niko Kralj stretched the boundaries of bent plywood while maintaining a focus on aesthetics, resulting in an indispensable series of furniture that has stood the test of time: the Rex Collection. The Rex Chair is a key product in this collection, merging ergonomics, comfort and uncompromised folding functionality in a lightweight piece.
北歐家具 -設計師都愛用Rex Kralj展現美學之最 追求極簡的生活主義
6 天之前 · 北歐家具 Rex Kralj是一位「斷捨離」的魔法師,擅長用簡約的線條、溫潤的木質和實用的設計,告訴你:生活,其實可以更簡單、更美好。讓我們一起走進北歐家具的奇幻世界告別雜亂無章,迎接充滿陽光和幸福感的極簡生活。
Rex (chair) - Wikipedia
The Rex Chair is a wooden chair designed by Slovene architect and designer Niko Kralj (1920–2013). It is part of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. [1]
REX KRALJ products, collections and more | Architonic
At Rex Kralj we work tirelessly to recraft Niko's design classics. We will never abandon our mid-century roots, where furniture is meant to be not only beautiful, but practical and durable as well.
Rex Kralj - Dezeen
2020年6月24日 · Slovenian furniture brand Rex Kralj is unveiling four furniture series at the VDF products fair, all based on the work of late midcentury architect and designer Niko Kralj.
Rex Kralj - MTI Pavlič
Zbirka pohištva Rex Kralj vključuje različne stole, stolčke, klubske in jedilniške mize ležalnik. Podjetje Rex Kralj je ustanovil Niko Kralj leta 1952. Pohištvo je postalo znano po svojem prispevku k industrijskemu oblikovanju 20. stoletja z minimalističnim oblikovanjem, ki je tako funkcionalno kot lepo.
Rex Kralj - Utopiast
Slovenian company Rex Kralj pays tribute to architect Niko Kralj in both name and style. Today the company continues his legacy and sheds new light on the iconic designs by producing many of Kralj’s most important designs from the mid 20th century as well as collaborating with contemporary designers who take inspiration from his design legacy.
Rex Kralj | Marslab
Rex Kralj was founded in 2012. The idea for the company was sparked by the type of passion that grabs you when encountering a truly stunning design for the first time. Company founders Žiga Vrohvec and Tomaž Sešlar were inspired by the iconic Rex Chair, designed by the mid-twentieth- century architect and designer Niko Kralj.
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