2024 SsangYong Rexton 2.2柴油4WD豪華旗艦型試駕!不該忽略 …
2024年1月25日 · 現行的 SsangYong Rexton 為第二代車型版本,與 Pick-Up 類型 Rexton Sport 共用相同基礎的前提下,雙龍汽車在 2020 年迎來小改款後便由總代理永佳雙龍於隔年正式導入台灣,相較於原本保守的視覺風格,小改款後的 Rexton 妥善運用了本身體格略微龐大的架構,更大的 …
SsangYong Rexton - Wikipedia
The KGM Rexton, formerly SsangYong Rexton (Korean: 쌍용 렉스턴), is a mid-size SUV manufactured by South Korean manufacturer SsangYong Motor (currently KG Mobility) since late 2001. The name Rexton is derived from the Latin title 'rex' and the English word 'tone', which is intended to mean "the ruler's tone". [2]
SsangYong大改款Rexton試駕 質感大幅精進的七座硬漢 - Mobile01
2019年7月1日 · 在200萬元預算內想找一款七人座車型又具備強悍Off-road能力的SUV選擇不多,但新一代SsangYong Rexton就是這樣的車款。Rexton擁有嶄新外觀、豪華內裝、豐富配備,裡裡外外都令人耳目一新,但請放心,它的骨子裡則依舊是之前大家熟悉的那位越野硬漢!
Review: 2023 SsangYong Rexton 2.2 Diesel Ultimate
2023年10月25日 · SsangYong only offers a single diesel engine option: the 2.2-litre that offers 199bhp and 441Nm of torque, which is enough to give the Rexton acceptable performance. Gearbox wise the Rexton now has a Hyundai sourced eight-speed auto that feels smoother both at lower speeds and shifting up when getting a move on.
【一手試駕】豪華越野魂2024 SsangYong Rexton七人豪華版
2023年10月30日 · Rexton搭載2.2升柴油引擎,202hp/45kgm動力輸出於任何速域都有飽滿的加速表現。 面對激烈休旅市場,Rexton其大器精緻的外型給予獨特品味;而滿載的便利與安全配備搭配上兼具乘坐品質的七人座規劃,無論日常或是三代出遊皆能輕鬆勝任。
邁向豪華休旅的熟成之路—SsangYong Rexton試駕體驗 | U-CAR專題
新年式 Rexton 車系在維持以往的四輻式真皮多功方向盤及 12.3 吋全數位儀表配置下,改採全新的中控台布局,包含貫穿式空調出風口、黑色鋼琴飾板及 12.3 吋影音系統皆為新年式車型首見。
Ssangyong Rexton 2.2 Ultimate 5dr Auto Reviews 2025 - Top Gear
Ssangyong Rexton 2.2 Ultimate 5dr Auto. Dimensions. Length 4,850mm Width (including mirrors) 1,995mm Height (including roof rails) 1,825mm Seats 7 Doors 5 Luggage Capacity (Seats Up) 423l
SsangYong Rexton 2022 Pricing & Specifications - Carsales
Highlights and features of the SsangYong Rexton 2022. Find the latest in pricing, specs, news and reviews.
22 Watt - 4ft LED Tube - RLD-22 - Rexton - Badili Hardware
22 Watt - 4ft LED Tube - RLD-22 - Rexton High Grade - 22W T8 LED Tube Light - 4ft - Cool. Bright 5000K color temperature LED source, 2200 Lumens with Beam Angle of 120 deg and operates between 100 - 277V AC. Non-dimmable. Excellent CRI …
Test: SSangYong Rexton 2.2 XDi Limited 4x4 A/T - Avto-magazin.si
2023年12月11日 · Seveda ste že na fotografijah opazili oddaljenost od tal – če se kompaktni športni terenci zadovoljijo s 17 ali 18 centimetri, potem ponuja Rexton dobrih 22 centimetrov oddaljenosti. Pregledno in hitro – dostop do voznih programov, nadzora oprijema in delovanja štirikolesnega pogona.