Richardson, Texas: 300mm wafer fabs | TI.com - Texas Instruments
2025年2月15日 · Our two 300-milimeter semiconductor wafer fabrication plants in Richardson, Texas, will manufacture more than 100 million analog chips every day that will go into electronics everywhere.
TI’s new 300-millimeter wafer fab in Richardson, Texas, begins …
2022年9月29日 · RFAB2 complements our existing 300-mm wafer fab footprint, including DMOS6 (Dallas) and RFAB1 (Richardson), and is one of six new 300-mm wafer fabs our company is adding to internally manufacture our broad, diverse portfolio of analog and embedded processing semiconductor devices.
With RFAB2, TI Bumping Up Analog Chip Production - EE Times
2022年10月25日 · TI’s RFAB2 is an expansion of RFAB1, the world’s first 300-mm analog wafer fab. Combined, they have 630,000 square feet of cleanroom space and 15 miles of automated overhead track to seamlessly move wafers between them.
The RFAB site office building is a three-story, 220,000 square foot structure. This is where support and admin-istrative teams will work in an office environment. In the concept phase, the design team used an energy model to demonstrate how the orientation and general shape of the building could reduce operating expenses with no additional cost.
朝花夕拾 – 变废为宝的 TI RFAB - jake的日志 - EETOP 创芯网论坛
2024年11月10日 · TI RFAB 上线后非常成功,迅速成为 TI 的主要工艺厂。 同样生产模拟工艺, 12 寸晶圆厂在成本上相对 8 寸厂有着巨大的优势,极大帮助了 TI 模拟产品尤其是电源产品。 讲完这个故事,抛砖引玉问几个问题。 同样建一座 12 寸晶圆厂,你是愿意投几十亿美金还是区区两亿美金? 都要砸钱, SMIC 一年的 capex 资本支出是远大于 TI 的,而一年的销售大概只有 TI 的 1/3。 同样是 12 寸,生产 14nm/7nm 一定就比上古工艺赚钱吗? 不妨比较一下 TI 的 gross …
Texas Instruments RFAB2 chip factory in Richardson starts …
2022年10月4日 · Texas Instruments (TI) newest 300-millimeter wafer fab in Richardson, Texas, has started initial production and will ramp over the coming months to support the future growth of semiconductors in electronics.
TIが300mmウエハー対応のアナログ半導体 ... - EE Times Japan
2011年7月5日 · アナログ半導体の最大手ベンダーであるTexas Instruments(TI)が、米国のテキサス州リチャードソンに開設した半導体ファブ「RFAB」を報道関係者に公開した。
TI's RFAB2 Lab, TSMC and More! - LinkedIn
2022年10月19日 · On Sept. 29, TI announced it began initial chip production at RFAB2, a new 300-mm analog wafer lab in Richardson, TX, that is connected to RFAB1, its 13-year-old 300-mm analog wafer fab. A few...
Local Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility – McMillan James
2021年11月30日 · TI RFAB 2 – Cooling Tower Installation. When Brandt was contracted to construct the 25,000 Ton process cooling system for this project in Richardson, TX, they turned to McMillan James Equipment Company. McMillan James provided the Marley Cooling Tower and the expert installations services they have become known for.
Texas Instruments further increases Analog production capacity
This is the first step in launching the Phase II expansion of RFAB, the industry's first 300-millimeter analog wafer fab, located in Richardson, Texas, near TI's headquarters. When complete, Phase II of RFAB will double the analog manufacturing capacity in the North Texas facility, bringing its revenue capability to about $2 billion.