The RGG motif proteins: Interactions, functions, and regulations
In this review, we focus on the biochemical properties of the RGG motif, its molecular interactions with RNAs and proteins, and roles of the posttranslational modification in modulating their interactions.
Defining the RGG/RG Motif: Molecular Cell - Cell Press
2013年6月6日 · Motifs rich in arginines and glycines were recognized several decades ago to play functional roles and were termed glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) domains and/or RGG boxes. We review here the evolving functions of the RGG box along with several sequence variations that we collectively term the RGG/RG motif.
DNA甲基化中CpG, CHG, CHH的区别是什么? - 知乎专栏
2023年12月14日 · 研究表明,CHG甲基化可能与CpG岛的甲基化一样重要,但其在基因表达调控中的作用可能更为复杂。 CHH: CHH模式 在DNA甲基化中也存在,但与CpG岛相比,它通常出现在基因组的其他区域,特别是在增强子区域。 增强子区域与远离启动子的基因表达调控有关。 研究表明,CHH甲基化可能与CHG和CpG岛的甲基化模式不同,可能在某些情况下促进基因表达。 CpG岛:CpG岛是由C和G碱基占据大多数位置的DNA区域,岛内富含CpG二核苷酸。 DNA甲 …
RGG 基序蛋白:相互作用、功能和法规,WIREs RNA - X-MOL
通过精氨酸和甘氨酸的独特组合,结合由重复的二肽、三肽和多肽基序赋予的多样性分子识别,使 rgg 基序蛋白能够与广泛的蛋白质相互作用,从而实现多功能、特异性但适应性强的分子相互作用和核酸。
揭示 DNA G 四链体和富含 RG 的肽之间的相互作用
G-四链体是在富含鸟嘌呤的链内形成的非规范 DNA 二级结构,在各种生物过程中发挥重要作用,包括基因调控、端粒维持和 DNA 复制。 这些 DNA 结构的生物学功能和形成受到几种结合、稳定或解析它们的蛋白质的严格控制。 许多 G 四链体结合蛋白具有富含精氨酸和甘氨酸的基序,称为 RGG 或富含 RG 的基序。 尽管这个主题在识别此类非规范结构中发挥着至关重要的作用,但它们的相互作用仍然知之甚少。 在这里,我们结合了几种生物物理技术,为含有众多人类 G 四 …
Identification and Characterization of Glycine- and Arginine-Rich ...
Glycine- and arginine-rich (GAR) motifs with different combinations of RG/RGG repeats are present in many proteins. The nucleolar rRNA 2′-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin (FBL) contains a conserved long N-terminal GAR domain with more than 10 RGG ...
RGG/RG Motif Regions in RNA Binding and Phase …
RGG/RG motifs are RNA binding segments found in many proteins that can partition into membraneless organelles. They occur in the context of low-complexity disordered regions and often in multiple copies.
Nature Commun. | 宋吉奎/钟雪花合作团队揭示植物CHG DNA甲基 …
针对CMT3如何特异识别CHG,研究人员发现ZMET2的R804与甲基化位点后第2位(+2)G通过形成氢键而产生特异性识别作用,其他残基如H808和Y776识别位于模板链的mC,保证了对hmCHG的特异性识别。 此外,作者还发现ZMET2与DRM2类似,对+1位DNA底物序列具有偏好性,倾向于AT而非CG,表现为ZMET2对CAG和CTG序列(即CWG)具有很高的活性,但对CCG和CGG序列活性较低。 以往的研究表明,在A、T、C、G四个碱基中, AT 比GC序列更倾向于 …
RGG motifs are commonly found in RNA-binding proteins and are sites known to facilitate RNA and protein interactions. Here we demonstrate that the RGG mo-tifs of FUS play a crucial role in the normal nuclear localization of FUS.
Enzymes involved in maintenance of DNA methylation. CG, CHG …
CG, CHG and CHH (H = A, T, or C) refer to cytosine nucleotide context where the presence of G provides a cytosine on the opposite strand which can be symmetrically methylated. MET1 maintains...
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