RHA CL750 Review - Headfonics.com
2017年3月29日 · RHA have named this particularly 303F alloy composite as an Aerophonic™ design with a claimed 8 times increased density over common thermoplastics as well as a better chamber for delivering low distortion sound and reducing internal resonance.
RHA CL750: Precision HiFi Noise Isolating in-Ear ... - amazon.com
2017年1月17日 · High quality 303F grade Stainless Steel housings combined with a braided OFC cable ensures exceptional durability with a quality finish. Featuring flexible over-ear hooks designed to hold the headphones in position with the cable running over and behind the ear for added comfort. The CL750 is covered by RHA.
各种钢 罕见150欧 难推却超高解析 好听的RHA CL750评测 - 知乎
擅长玩金属的耳机品牌,英国rha,我已评测了ma390(240+)、s500(300+)和ma650(500+)这三个,不算多,这次谈谈cl750。 cl750是rha在售的耳机中,目前价位最低还最hifi的(发稿日)。 百度了下,定位似乎是次旗舰…
聆听来自脑洞的美妙音符,RHA CL750耳机的美声体验 | FIPLAY
为了捕捉声音中的更多细节,这款CL750采用超宽带动圈单元设计,可解析hi-Resolution高清音乐格式;86dB的灵敏度和高达150Ω阻抗,让这款耳塞注定不不仅仅手机伴侣, 只要通过便携式功放和HIFI录音笔,就能充分发挥CL750的HIFI素质。 CL750还搭载了RHA独家专利的Aerophonic管道形状设计,简单来说就是通过专业的声学工程师优化管道,将声音恰到好处地传递到人耳里。 整体上而言,CL750作为一款千元级别的耳机,首先不锈钢金属腔体,重金属气质是这款耳机的最大 …
英國 RHA MA750 Wireless 藍芽入耳式耳機 - 金聲耳筒專門店
Aerophonic™ 不銹鋼合金設計RHA 標志性的 Aerophonic™ 設計,確保真實音頻再現并隔音動態(型號 560.1),確保平衡、準確的音頻高級 303F 不銹鋼合金結構,令耳機的聲音表現更佳並保證持久耐用器材規格形式:藍牙耳道式耳機單體:動圈式單體 (model 560.1)頻率響應 ...
RHA MA750 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2014年12月30日 · The MA750 is constructed from machined stainless steel (303F grade) components. It has a thick and sturdy cable that is not replaceable. The design is called “Aerophonic (TM)” and it looks surely extremely nice.
RHA MA600i and MA750i In Ear Headphones Preview - Audioholics
2013年8月9日 · The MA750i adds two sets of memory-foam eartips to the selection over the MA600i, for increased noise isolation. The RHA MA750i headphones also have a reinforced cable and feature 303F grade stainless steel housings. The driver is handmade. We find it interesting that the highest end of the RHA line would be targeted toward the active user.
英伦?小众?惊艳!——RHA CL750入手试听 - 搜狐
2017年5月16日 · 不锈钢腔体一直是rha最具辨识度的标志,cl750也不例外,全新的“金属注射成型”技术将航天级303f不锈钢加工成为了cl750是的耳机腔体,既带来了佩戴舒适度,也大大提升了耳塞的耐用性,外观圆润有色泽,机身质感突出。
RHA MA650 Earbuds for Android: Hi-Res Noise Isolating Aluminium in-Ear ...
2017年8月11日 · RHA's custom engineered 380.1 dynamic driver delivers powerful sound with refined clarity; delivering bass with depth and detail and clear, accurate treble across an exceptional soundstage. At the touch of a button control music, calls and digital assistant functions with a 3-button remote and microphone (made for use with Android devices).
RHA MA750i Premium In-Ear Headphone Review
2014年11月5日 · The RHA MA750i features 303F grade stainless steel construction, and a contoured over-ear cable support. This supports the weight of the headphone making sure that it doesn’t fall of easily. It’s also very comfortable (in my opinion) compared to …
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