RHA CL2 Review — Headfonics
2019年10月27日 · The RHA CL2 is the company’s first full-range planar magnet driver universal monitor. It also comes with a wireless Bluetooth cable out of the box. It is priced at $899
- 评论数: 50
RHA CL2 Planar 开创性的音频技术让人惊讶 - FIPLAY
2018年11月30日 · 本日,我们就来谈谈最近RHA推出的一款“可有线也可无线”的平面振膜 (planar magnetic) 技术的蓝牙入耳式耳机CL2 Planar,并藉此机会分享下个人听感。 首先来介绍一下RHA这家公司,来自英国的RHA是一家走高端路线的时尚耳机制造商,总部位于苏格兰格拉斯哥,旗下产品多以不锈钢元素打造,强调金属质感,同时追求耐用和高品质音频表现。 的确,笔者此前也有接触过RHA的几款入耳式耳机,金属耳机外壳是这个品牌明显的制造特点,简洁硬朗的 …
RHA CL2 Planar - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2019年4月9日 · RHA’s CL2 Planar is built around a revolutionary 10mm planar magnetic driver, usable for the first time in both wired and wireless configurations. Planar magnetic driver; Detachable MMCX ceramic housings; Supplied with 12-hour Bluetooth® neckband with aptX™ compatibility; 3.5mm oxygen-free copper and balanced 2.5mm silver-coated cables
RHA CL2 Review – Hands Down The Best Planar Yet - Audio Reviews
2022年4月22日 · RHA CL2 deliver an incredibly refined clear and lifelike presentation - a mixture as much desireable and rare to effectively find. They can (and must) be freely equalised to have their tonality shaped per user taste, and deliver stunning technicalities.
RHA CL2 Planar review - TechRadar
2018年10月26日 · The RHA CL2 Planar earphones are compact wireless earbuds that pack in planar magnetic drivers – the kind of cutting-edge audio technology usually found in open-backed studio headphones that most...
RHA CL2 Planar IEMs Review - Audio46 Headphone Store
2018年9月24日 · However, this week I got a chance to check out the RHA CL2 Planar in-ear headphones! They feature a 10 mm planar driver. But how do they sound? What is their sound signature like and is it worth the price of $899.99? Today, I’ll try to answer that question with this RHA CL2 Planar IEMs Review. -RHA CL2 Planar in-ear headphones.
RHA CL2 Planar レビュー一覧 / e☆イヤホン
流石のrha! BA型のイヤホンがどうしても受け付けず(過去にMASO2、LAYLA2・MASO2W80を所持)この1年くらいは、高級D型を愛用していました(RE2000・MAJOR・HAFW10000・XELENTO 現在所持)、最近は、ハイブリッド型に目がいき、MAVERICK2・tiafourteを購入しましたが、独特のBA ...
RHA CL2 Planar review - Good Housekeeping
2020年8月13日 · Get the flexibility or wireless and wired earbuds in one! Score: 78/100. Date tested: July 2020. £799.99. Available from: selfridges.com. What is it? RHA’s top-of-the-range in-ear headphones that...
RHA CL2 Review: Planar Magnetic In-Ear Headphones Goes Wireless
2019年1月12日 · The RHA CL2 is the most compact planar magnetic earphones, closed-back, includes wireless neckband and detachable MMCX ports for flexible connectivity.
RHA CL2 Planar Review: exudes class but sonically outclassed …
2020年4月29日 · Pros: Generally crowd-pleasing sound signature: not bright like RHA’s other products, more warmth; forgiving sound signature; ceramic shell is pretty, nearly indestructible, and ergonomic; 3 good cables included alongside tons of tips; build quality; 3 year warranty; active customer service.