The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the student government of on-campus students. We advocate, listen, and plan events for students. On your residence hall's council, you can advocate for change and build community in your hall!
Leadership | RHA - Residence Hall Association
RHA is led by its executive board, comprised of passionate leaders from diverse backgrounds all aiming to enhance the quality of life of on-campus students. In the Spring of each year, the President and Vice President of RHA are elected.
About | RHA - Residence Hall Association
What is RHA? The Residence Hall Association, or RHA, is the premier student governing body representing on-campus students. RHA represents over 12,000 students living in high-rises, apartments, and suites owned by the University of Maryland.
Residence Hall Association - TerpLink - UMD
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the primary student-run governing body that represents the interests of more than 12,500 resident Terrapins at the University of Maryland, College Park. The RHA’s 15 hall and area councils advocate for the interests of their hall or area’s residents and build community through fun and informational ...
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the primary student-run governing body that represents the interests of more than 12,500 resident Terrapins at the University of Maryland, College Park. RHA’s 15 hall and area councils advocate for the interests of their peers and build community through fun and informational events, while the RHA ...
"RHA allows you to build communities in your residence hall and help other student leaders across campus advocate for issues that are important to them ." "I joined RHA to meet new friends and improve my sense of community. I stayed in RHA to continue to make positive change." -Valeria Manent, former Hagerstown Hall President.
Get Involved | Department of Resident Life
Represent your fellow on-campus Terps and serve on the RHA Council. Join a student organization, find a hobby, explore an interest and meet new friends. Participate in cross-cultural and leadership experiences through the Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy (MICA)
UMD Residence Hall Association (@marylandrha) - Instagram
FIND YOUR PLACE WITH RHA! Apply NOW to make a difference in your living community. Applications close Monday September 9th. Visit rha.umd.edu to learn more learn more! DM with questions!
Councils | RHA - Residence Hall Association
The 15 hall and area councils across campus are responsible for planning and executing events for their residents. Each hall/area council is composed of students from their respective communities, and council members are elected by their …
Residence Hall Association - College Park, Maryland, United …
The RHA, or the Residence Hall Association is the primary student-run governing body that represents on-campus students here at the University of Maryland.
- 职位: Voice of All On-Campus Students
- 位置: University of Maryland College Park
- 人脉数: 12