Rhino | SubD Tools命令全解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Rhino 中的命令可以和 SubD 搭配使用,您可以随时向 SubD 物件添加精确的曲面造型细节(例如修剪、布尔运算、圆角等),以增强概念设计的表现效果。 知乎不能发动图很不直观,如果需要看详细动图请移步VX公众号“蜂巢建筑”
Rhino - SubD - Rhino - Rhinoceros 3D
For designers who need to explore organic shapes quickly, SubD is a new geometry type that can create editable, highly accurate shapes. Unlike other geometry types, SubD combines free-form accuracy while still allowing quick editing. Accurate, organic modeling just got easier. Push and pull to explore complex, free-form shapes in realtime.
Rhino 7 SubD Tutorials - McNeel
Rhino's SubDs are accurate and repeatable. This allows our SubD to be converted to NURBS for fabrication. Traditionally SubD objects are mesh-based and lend themselves well to more approximate types of modeling such as character modeling and creating smooth organic forms.
Rhino | SubD建筑案例教程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在SubD中,我们可以通过对物体“点,线,面”的调整来改变形体的造型,将下列选中的元素统一向上移动一定距离,得到的效果: 在SubD中,物体有两种存在形式,一种是上面那种比较圆滑,另一种是下面这种比较尖锐,两种只是显示效果不一样,本质上没有区别,通过TAB切换其显示形式。 1. 创建 细分平面 (调整好合适的X,Y细分数量) 2. 按住ctrl+shift选择面上的点、线,调整如下. 3. 向下复制一个,并调整下边的面最低点的位置。 将得到的面裁剪。 4. 提取边缘线向下挤出 …
Rhino Sub D Tutorial - YouTube
This tutorial covers modeling techniques with Rhino's Sub D Geometry. I cover the basic primitive Sub D shapes, along with ways to edit Sub D faces, edges, and vertices. I also show how to...
Rhino 7 SubD 教學 - McNeel
Rhino的Sub-D很精確且可重複操作,這樣就可以將SubD轉換為NURBS進行製造。 傳統上SubD物件是基於網格,並能夠適合更接近的建模類型,如角色建模及建立平滑有機形式。
學習專欄-Rhino教學|Rhino中的幾何物件跟SubD的初步介紹-學 …
2022年3月17日 · SubD是 細分曲面 (Subdivision surface)的縮寫,在早期Rhino中如果要使用SubD拓樸工具必須通過當時的外掛T-Splines或之後的Clayoo執行,而在Rhino7中SubD工具已經正式作為新功能開放,且以往SubD是以網格為基礎,而Rhino中的SubD則是繼承Rhino以往的高精度曲面,較傳統的SubD ...
Rhino丨SubD基本工具讲解 - 哔哩哔哩
SubD全命令详解,喜欢请三连,鞠躬~~~更多教程及资源请关注公众号丨蜂巢建筑您的私人建筑课堂解放生产力,让设计回归创意。, 视频播放量 13765、弹幕量 24、点赞数 337、投硬币枚数 227、收藏人数 1001、转发人数 113, 视频作者 阿撒, 作者简介 不务正业の建筑师丨让AI飞一会儿~,相关视频:犀牛Rhino ...
Rhino Sub D Beginner Tutorial (Easy) - YouTube
In this tutorial we’re going to take a first look at the new Sub D tools available in Rhino 7. We learn how to navigate the Sub D interface, create Sub D primitives, edit edges, faces and...
Rhino SubD - Unlock the Power of Organic Modeling in Rhino 3D
Unlock the full potential of SubD modeling in Rhino 3D and take your design skills to the next level. This course is tailored for architects, product designe...
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