Rhyme | Rhymer.com
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WikiRhymer - World's best rhyming dictionary
WikiRhymer is a monthly donor to Tunnel to Towers. Tunnel to Towers is a charity that aids catastrophically disabled U.S. veterans and first responders and families of like killed in the line of duty.
RHYME中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
rhyme翻译:押韵;成韵;和…同韵, 押韵词;同韵词, 押韵诗;(尤指)儿歌, 在诗中应用同韵词;押韵, 一个音节中部的元音以及之后的所有音。了解更多。
Rhyming Dictionary & Rhyme Generator - Merriam-Webster
Explore our comprehensive online rhyming dictionary to find rhymes, related words, homophones and more for any word or phrase.
FREE Mobile Rhyming Dictionary
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The Ultimate Rhyming Dictionary - RapPad
The ultimate rhyming dictionary with the largest list of rhymes, including near rhymes. Results are constantly being improved.
RhymeZone: rhymer rhymes
— Adjectives for rhymer: good, old, philosophical, poor, mere, anonymous, drunken, clever, industrious, rustic, nameless, more... — People also search for: rapper , rap , turntablist , …
Rhyme Types - Rhymer.com
Rhymer supports six types of rhymes: end, last syllable, double, triple, beginning, and first syllable rhymes.
RhymeBrain Rhyming Dictionary. Easy to read on your phone.
The largest rhyming dictionary on the Internet, made for your phone.