Rig 17 | Frontier Drilling | United States
100% LED Class I DIV I, Class I DIV II Area, Spot and Flood Fixtures. Centralized HPU with Redundant Motors/Pumps and Temp/Level Protection. Frontier Drilling Rig Inventory has drilled all over the United States. Here you can read our record-breaking reports on each of our projects.
Rig 17 | Traveling Blocks, Tool Pushers, Derrick - WT Drilling
Learn about the Drawworks, Derrick, Base, BOP's Test, Drill line, Recorder, Travelling, about our Rig 17 at WT Drilling. The values are as follows- Drawworks: Spencer-Harris 7000, Derrick: 98' Spencer Harris w/ 250,000 lb capacity 14' Spencer Harris …
Rig #17 Specifications . Drilling Range: 18,000' With 4½" Drill Pipe. Drawworks: TFI 1,500 HP Driven by (2)-1,000 HP General Electric 752 DC Traction Motors With An Eaton Disc Brake and Electrical Control Panel. Mast: Superior 136' High, Telescoping Mast Rated at 750,000# GNC, and 660,000# Static Hook Capacity.
Drilling Rig Vessel name: SKD T-17 A purpose built barge-type self-erecting tender assisted drilling (TAD) rig with a flat bottom, raked stern and bow hull shape. The rig is designed as a cost efficient for development drilling involving multiple well slots on fixed wellhead platforms. The mooring system is designed to enable it to work on TLPs and
ATLAS DRILLING RIG # 17 DRAWWORKS 1000 HP Oil Works Inc. OWI-1000 with 1 ¼” Drilling Line p/b (2) Caterpillar C-18’s HYDRAULIC TOP DRIVE TESCO 500 Ton HCI (1200 HP) Powered by Caterpillar C-32 Diesel Engine 52,000 ft-lb Drill Torque, 52,800 ft …
Rig #17 - Nucor Drilling
HP-5, Helio-port Drilling Rig, Mounted on a Heavy Duty 4X4 Hydraulically Operated Truck Frame w/235/85R16 Tires, p/b DEUTZ 5 Cylinder Air Cooled Diesel, GARDNER DENVER 250 CFM – 150 PSI Screw Type Air Compressor Which Drives All Hydraulics, COMMERCIAL Single Section 25 Gal./2,500 PSI Hydraulic Pump, (2) Cylinder BEAN Injection Pump, 300 ...
Rig 17 - Global Well Servicing Ltd.
Ideco H 35, Detroit 8V71, 310 HP, Tandem Drive Rig, Free Standing, Mobile Single Rig, Class II & III BOP and Accessories
Standard specifications represent the typical rig configuration, but could be subject to slight modifications from time to time due to customer requirements. Sales and Marketing
Rig#17 - Kenai Drilling
Efficient Results, Reliable Equipment, Experience that Counts. Company. About Us
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Atlas Rig #17
atlas rig #17 rig. no. proprietary and confidential the information contained in this drawing is the sole property of atlas drilling, llc. any reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of atlas drilling, llc is prohibited. mouse hole diagram well bore mouse hole recommended location size wb. ati—as uuc .
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