Tenerife airport disaster - Wikipedia
[2] [3] The Incident occurred at 5:06 pm WET (UTC +0) in dense fog, when KLM Flight 4805 initiated its takeoff run, colliding with the right side of Pan Am Flight 1736 still on the runway. The impact and the resulting fire killed all 248 people on board the KLM plane and 335 of the 396 people on board the Pan Am plane, with only 61 survivors in ...
Rijn | This Day in Aviation
Also on the runway was Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (KLM) Flight 4805, a Boeing 747-206B, PH-BUF, named Rijn (“Rhine”). The KLM jumbo jet had 248 passengers and crew members on board. Flight 4805 had back-taxied for the entire length of Runway 12, then made a 180° turn to align itself with Runway 30, the “active” runway.
27 March 1977 - This Day in Aviation
1977年3月27日 · KLM 4805 lifted off about 300 feet (91 meters) from Pan Am 1736, and because of the high angle of attack, its nose wheel actually passed over American airliner’s fuselage, but the rest of the Dutch airplane hit at 140 knots (259 kilometers per hour). Clipper Victor was ripped in half, caught fire and exploded.
Accident Boeing 747-206B PH-BUF, Sunday 27 March 1977
On March 27, 1977, at 12:30 local time a bomb exploded in the Las Palmas passenger terminal. Because of warnings of a possible second bomb, the airport was closed. A large number of flights were diverted to Tenerife, a.o. KLM Flight 4805 from Amsterdam and PanAm Flight 1736 (coming from Los Angeles and New York).
Tenerife airport disaster - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
During the takeoff roll of KLM 4805, the crew of the Pan Am radioed that they were still taxiing down the runway. The KLM flight crew heard this and asked themselves if the Pan American was still on the runway, to which the captain then replied "oh yes".
特内里费空难 - 百度百科
KL4805是一班KLM替荷兰国际旅行集团所开的包机航班,当天早上9:31由阿姆斯特丹的史基普机场(Schipol)起飞,载着248人由荷兰飞抵加那利群岛。 驾驶这架飞机的飞行组员由雅可布·范·赞顿(Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten)机长率领,他是KLM旗下一位非常有经验的机师,拥有超过11,000小时的飞行经验并且常年担任新飞行员的训练官。 在经过四小时的飞行后,KL4805班机在当地时间13:38降落在洛司罗迪欧机场,并且与许多早已被转降在此处的飞机一样,挤在由机 …
KLM Flight 4805 | Tenerife Airport Disaster Wiki | Fandom
KLM Flight 4805 was a flight number of Boeing 747-206B of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. This was the flight that occured on the Tenerife airport disaster on 27 March 1977. Its' tail number was PH-BUF. It had the name Rijn (many other sources also type Rhin or …
Het ongeluk met de "Rijn" - Aviacrash.nl
De KLM Boeing 747 PH-BUF "Rijn" start met vluchtnummer KLM 4805 voor een chartervlucht naar Las Palmas, een van de Canarische eilanden. Aan boord zijn 14 bemanningsleden en 234 passagiers. Tijdens de vlucht ontploft om 12.30 u. een bom in de vertrekhal van het vliegveld van Las Palmas, dat daarop wordt gesloten voor alle verkeer.
#OnThisDay in 1977, KLM Flight 4805 collides with Pan Am
2017年3月27日 · 40 years ago today, KLM Flight 4805 (PH-BUF) was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Netherlands to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Airport, Canary Islands. The Boeing 747-206B named Rijn (Rhine) was carrying 234 passengers & …
[항공 사고] 최악의 항공사고, 테네리페 섬의 비극 - KLM 4805 / Pan Am 1736
2012年1月26日 · 4805편은 1736편과 충돌후, 약 400m를 미끄러져 날아가다가 C-3 유도로 입구에 추락하면서 항공기가 터지게 되고( 연료에 불이 붙으면서 불길이 순식간에 번짐 ), 4805편의 탑승자 전원이 사망하게 됩니다.
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