ReVanced Extended 19.44.39 | Download APK for Android
ReVanced Extended is developed by inotia00. It has extra features compared to regular ReVanced. YT Version: 19.44.39 | YT Music: 7.25.52. How to install it? We just mentioned …
ReVanced Extended Guide for Beginners : r/revancedextended - Reddit
2024年1月27日 · Use the new RVX Manager created specially for ReVanced Extended patches. Last updated by u/SpacellaryUS on 27/Jan/2024. This guide is intended as a detailed starting point for first-time users. If you're looking for resources on how to patch on PC or other methods, please read the documentation.
GitHub - Svznify/RVX: Official APK Releases for YouTube …
A website/repo for installing the latest non-root YouTube ReVanced Extended & YT-M via APK -Stable/Beta Versions. Here: https://svznify.github.io/RVX/ Go to Releases page. If you find a bug (), kindly open an issue here by including your issue and logs.txt if possible.
Releases · NoName-exe/revanced-extended - GitHub
ReVanced eXtended YT and YT-M for both root and non-root users. - Releases · NoName-exe/revanced-extended.
RVX APK v19.44.39 (YouTube ReVanced Exteded) 2025
2025年3月12日 · RVX is an Android app which allows users to get SponsorBlock, RYD, DeArrow, and more. RVX is a short name for ReVanced Extended, led by inotia00. This project is a fork of ReVanced, which allows enthusiastic users to try more exciting features for free.
ReVanced v19.47.53 - Download YouTube ReVanced APK (2025)
ReVanced Extended (RVX) is a complete fork of ReVanced. So, this one also is an open-source project that can be found here. Extended started as fun or more like a personal project by inotia00 – the guy who maintained Vanced after EOL. Eventually, his project got traction because he found a way to add more features to the ReVanced YouTube app.
Releases · revanced-apks/build-apps - GitHub
2022年9月9日 · Reddit 2024.18.0+ can only be patched via CLI or rvx-builder. Compatible ReVanced Manager: RVX Manager v1.21.3 (fork). Contribute to translation. YouTube; YT Music
YouTube ReVanced Extended 19.44.39 [Download RVX APK]
2025年2月4日 · Change the start page of your YouTube. With RVX, you can set Search, Subscriptions, Explore, Shorts, Library, Liked Videos, History and Trending as your start page.
RVX Manager APK DOWNLOAD v1.22.2 [Official] Latest 2024
RVX Manager APK is a version of ReVanced Manager APK, which was created to work for ReVanced Extended Apps and helps build Extended Apps. For enhanced user experience while using RVX manager in low light conditions or during …
[安卓]使用 ReVanced Manager 给 Youtube APP 打补丁
2022年9月19日 · 好在目前开源社区出现了一款名为 ReVanced Manager 的安卓软件,似乎意图接替 YouTube Vanced 为大家继续提供这些增强功能。 由于 ReVanced Manager 目前仍处于早期开发阶段,所以暂不提供“成品”软件包,而是通过给 Youtube APP 打补丁的形式来完成这些工作。 好处的话开源软件安全性会更加可控,比起某些来源不明的 APK 让人更加放心。 除了 YouTube 之外,ReVanced Manager 还支持给 Twitter, reddit, TikTok 等软件打补丁来去除广告以及增加 …