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Public Landings - WisconsinRiverTrips
If you have a specific river or lake in mind, you may be better off checking its respective page on this site as there I will list private landings, county landings and suitable make-shift landings in addition to the state operated landings.
Wisconsin River – Portage
Facility: Wisconsin River Boat Launch - portage.recdesk.com
Boatramp.com - Boat launch Portage River Wildlife Access
Boat ramps. Click on a boat ramp for more information, reviews, directions and photos
Portage River Wildlife Access Boat Launch - SNOFLO
2 天之前 · The Portage River Wildlife Access boat ramp is located in Ohio and is primarily used for accessing the Portage River. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the …
Upper Fox River Public Access | DNR Fisheries Areas - Wisconsin …
The Upper Fox River flows northwest from its headwaters to within 2 miles (3 km) of Portage. The river then curves and flows to the north - northeast about 110 river miles from Portage to Lake …
Fox River – Portage - WisconsinRiverTrips
2015年9月5日 · From Hwy 33 to Governor Bend is a classic trip on the Upper Fox that is popular with paddlers because of its lack of log jams, lack of busy boat traffic and history. Most paddlers prefer to double the trip length by taking out …
Explore the many wonderful waterways near the …
There are two key access points to the river between Portage and the Dells: a public boat launch on the Wisconsin River at Pine Island (south bank) along Levee Road 6 miles west of State Highway 33, and a public boat launch on …
MAP #9 –Mosinee Flowage to DuBay Dam - WVIC
o Mile 190 DuBay dam - Take out at the marked sandy beach just upstream of the DuBay dam to a 750' portage that ends with a steep descent into the tailwater (left) - Landings suitable for take-out or put-in o Mile 176 - River Park boat …