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RAST Server - RAST Annotation Server - archive.ph
2015年3月21日 · The RAST batch submission interface (a part of myRAST) Making manual improvements to RAST-annotated genomes (first tutorial). This is a powerpoint presentation; bring it up in slide-show mode and click through to see the animations and movies. Making manual improvements to RAST-annotated genomes (second tutorial). This is a second tutorial on ...
基因组注释不用愁,这款在线神器送给你! - 丁香通研选
2019年11月20日 · 当我们得到一株菌株的全基因组序列后首先要做什么?基因组注释!那有什么方便又好用的注释神器吗?下面为大家介绍一款超好用的在线基因组注释神器——RAST,让大家随时随地都可以自己进行注释分析。RAST网址为rast.nmpdr.org,是基于S
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RAST Tutorial - TheSeed
Figure 1. Overview of the RAST Server navigation, features and capabilities. Jobs Overview. Upon logging onto the server, users are directed to the “Jobs Overview” page, which as the name suggests, provides a site for job management. Jobs Overview has two main components: starting a new job and reviewing submitted/completed jobs. Start a ...
帮你弄清ROG和ROG Strix是啥关系,再来分享刚入手的ROG Strix …
rog strix系列将rog系列的基本款、pro gaming中端款、gamer系列进行组合。 所以这个系列定位比传统的ROG低,价格也是更低了,不过还是保留很多ROG元素,也融入电竞的元素,相对传统ROG系列更有性价比(当然相对其它牌子的主板还是比较贵的。
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ROG Strix Laptops - Republic of Gamers
Windows 11 Pro. NVIDIA ® GeForce RTX™ 5090 Laptop GPU. Intel ® Core™ Ultra 9 Processor 275HX. 16" 2.5K (2560 x 1600, WQXGA) 16:10 240Hz ROG Nebula HDR Display. 2TB + 2TB M.2 NVMe™ PCIe ® 4.0 Performance SSD storage (RAID 0)