Rollsign Gallery - Welcome!
diverse and comprehensive collection online! This site was originally designed from December 18, 2004 to February 19, 2005. Over time it. historic artifacts shown are acquired from scrap yards and locations all over North America. This site was last updated on JANUARY 8, 2025. NEW! Get Social! ROLLSIGN GALLERY is going into its 20TH YEAR ONLINE!
Destination sign - Wikipedia
For many decades, the most common type of multiple-option destination sign was the rollsign (or bus blind, curtain sign, destination blind, or tram scroll): a roll of flexible material with pre-printed route number/letter and destinations (or route name), which is turned by the vehicle operator at the end of the route when reversing direction ...
Rollsign Gallery - Home
various rollsign and electronic sign manufacturers, as well as printed manuals. (Transign Manuals now in here.)
Rollsign Gallery - New York City, New York
NYC rollsign collector: This (wider) sign you have displayed is a side, South Terminal replacement sign used in R27s, R30s, R32s and R38s. The sides of these cars had two sign cases, one on each side of the car. Each case had 3 rollsigns: North Terminal on top; South Terminal in the middle and Route on the bottom. The North and South terminal signs
路綫牌 | 香港鐵路大典 | Fandom
Rollsign Magazine - Boston Street Railway Association, Inc.
Rollsign is published bi-monthly, or six times per year, and circulates to all of our member sand subscribers across the country and the world. Each issue features articles of current and historical interest about New England's public transportation systems, from current events to features on particular stations or lines.
路线牌 - 百度百科
路线牌(Destination Sign)是一种通常被装置在 公车 、路面电车或 铁路列车 等大众运输交通工具上,作为指示路线编号与目的地(有时也会同时标示起点与中途停站)的显示设备。 由于经常被设计装置于车辆前 挡风玻璃 上方醒目处,因此又常被称为车头牌(可对应英文中的Headsign之称呼方式)。 除此之外,车辆的尾部与侧面有时也会设置有路线牌,以方便路边或后方的其他用路人辨识。 配合时代的改变与技术的演进,路线牌的显示方式也有不小的变化。 在过去卷布式路线 …
Rollsign Gallery - Page 6 - NYC Transit Forums
2014年6月4日 · I'm currently working on on the 1973 versions (black with new transfers to ED), and also the original 1968 R40 Slant side rollsigns on the Fan versions. These are completely beautiful--looks like the real thing! Who knew how talented folks on this forum were with this kind of design?! Nice job with all the creativity in making rollsigns!
rollsign - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
rollsign (plural rollsigns) A roll of flexible material with route numbers or destinations, found on buses or trams.
Rollsign Gallery - Introduction
Rollsign Gallery continues to be the largest source on the web with the most diverse collection of destination sign information available to the public. Over the years it has grown to the point that Rollsign Gallery is the NUMBER TWO listing on a Google search when "rollsign" is typed in, next only to Wikipedia.