BMCE Addon - Romka's Classic HECU - Steam Community
2024年11月3日 · Not a fan of Black Mesa's HECU? Want a more classic look to people trying to kill you? Are you a BMCE enjoyer? Well, here is Romka's Classic HECU! This BMCE Addon includes the following: Alternate Styles! - You have the option to choose between the different looks of the HECU, Valve's 1998 style or Gearbox's Opposing Force style.
BMCE: Romka's HECU Classic Renewed - Steam Community
2024年12月24日 · Welcome to New Romka HECU Addon! comes from this addon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3376645802&searchtext=romka This addon is the new version of my old port that I made for gmod
Romkas HECU (Playermodels + NPCs) - Steam Community
2022年6月6日 · Fairly old HECU models created by the long gone modder Romka, and initially used as placeholders for Black Mesas HECU back in 2006, these are the originals without any serious modifications plus additional fan models, aswell as the more obscure ZECU variant, while there are a TON of HECU models around the workshop, including these same models ...
Classic Romka H.E.C.U's V2 (With green and white h - GameBanana
A Black Mesa (BM) Mod in the Military category, submitted by lestat_cv22
Romka's HECU Hgrunts for Resistance [Half-Life 2] [Works In …
HECU Rebels... A Half-Life 2 (HL2) Work In Progress in the Characters & Creatures category, submitted by Pixy
BMCE Addon - Romka's Classic HECU - Open Work для Black Mesa
Want a more classic look to people trying to kill you? Are you a BMCE enjoyer? Well, here is Romka's Classic HECU! This BMCE Addon includes the following: [list] [*] [b] Alternate Styles! [/b] - You have the option to choose between the different looks of the HECU, Valve's 1998 style or Gearbox's Opposing Force style.
Romka Hecu Npcs [Garry's Mod] [Mods] - GameBanana
A Garry's Mod (GMOD) Mod in the NPCs & AI category, submitted by AaronicZL
Alternative HECU HD models V1.1 addon - Half-Life - ModDB
2024年5月11日 · Make the romka bones parent of your head meshes... In the old days I enhanced some regular HD faces to become romka heads with working eye movement. You would just need to add the eyes and eye lids onto your face mesh and make a minor hole where your current eyes are.
BMCE Addon - Romka's HECU Classic Renewed + Zombies
2024年12月2日 · This is improved version of currently existing Romka's Classic HECU addon for BMCE, but let me explain differences!
Classic Romka HECU's V3 - SteamWorkshop.download
Size: 235.5MB Views: 13034 Create: 30.03.2019 / 16:22 Update: 30.03.2019 / 16:22 Subscribers: 1131 Favorites: 637