ROOJ Home/Introduction
The Radiation Oncology Online Journal (ROOJ) is a non-profit service organization dedicated to the advance of radiation oncology. This site is intended to be an outstanding source of radiation oncology information and resources for the public and health care professionals.
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Index of Articles - Main - rooj.com
Readers are reminded the most comprehensive and definitive source of radiation oncology material are the many peer reviewed journals and textbooks devoted to radiation oncology. ROOJ does not have the intent or ability to supplant these resources. Click Link Below: Clinical Articles: Breast Central Nervous System Gastrointestinal System
rooj - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Borrowed from English rose, from Middle English rose, roose, from Old English rōse, from Latin rosa, from Oscan, from Ancient Greek ῥόδον (rhódon) (Aeolic ϝρόδον (wródon)), from Old Persian *wṛda- (“flower”). rooj (construct form roojin) From Middle Chinese 凳 …
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Serendipity By Rooj
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With its signature “Your home suits you”, Rooj by GA promises a human and benevolent approach to real estate. Rooj, a new player in residential real estate, transforms the search for a new home into an exciting and peaceful quest for a flexible and evolving habitat, as unique as its …
Author's Instructions - ROOJ
ROOJ is interested in a very broad scope of articles, material and resources. While ROOJ is certainly interested in full text (ideally peer reviewed) articles, we welcome other material helpful to the practice of radiation oncology (for examples, see Professional Resources ).