Online Rorschach Inkblot Test
What Is The Rorschach Test? The test is conducted by a professional psychologist on subjects ranging between ages 5 and adulthood. Adminstrators typically sit side-by-side to ensure they do not influence the participants answers. The test consists of a series of 10 symetrical blots where the subject states what they see.
History of the Rorschach Test
History of the Rorschach Test. According to John Exner (1993), Hermann Rorschach (pictured right) first published the 10 inkblots in 1921 as a monograph, Psychodiagnostik. For the 1940's and 1950's, the Rorschach was the test of choice in clinical psychology.
Gallery of Custom Rorschach Ink Blots: Make Inkblot Cards to …
This is a gallery of inkblots Mark W. Matthews, PhD. has created over the years. The LogoBlot image was created with paper and ink and then scanned into an image file. The other blots were created using GIMP with its various brushes, scripts, and layers. In particular, Jeff Portaro's "inkblot" brushes for Photoshop/Gimp have been particularly ...
Rorschach Test FAQs
In the strictest sense, the Rorschach Inkblot Test is a test or assessment of perception. It is designed to evaluate how someone approaches their environment, In other words, it asks the question, "How does someone view and organize the world around them?"
Rorschach Test Bookstore
The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and the Power of Seeing by Damion Searls; Software. Rorschach Performance Assessment System® (R-PAS®)