Build my own 3D map and run various SLAM in this map - ROS …
2016年4月13日 · Hi, everybody! I'm new to ROS, and I really don't know whether my idea can be achieved in ROS. First, I want to build my own 3D map, like in Gazebo - Building Editor. Then, using this 3D map, I want to test a few Slam algorithms to see their difference in pose-estimation. In this section, only 2D map will be create by one laser sensor.
rviz : warning message no map received - ROS Answers
Hi I'm trying to visualize a map using 3 ultrasonic sensor and arduino mega 2560. I developed my own node to generate LaserScan from 3 sonar range.
How to execute rtabmap_ros/map_assembler and generate a …
According to here, map_assembler subscribes to rtabmap_ros/MapData I see the following mapData related topics: rostopic list | grep -i MapData /mapData /rtabmap/mapData but not rtabmap_ros/MapData I tried running map_assembler from the command line as stand alone.
Create Map from Rosbag - ROS Answers archive
Hi I am having problem with creating map(.pgm and .yaml) files. First i tried to create a map using the existing bag file following this tutorial. I was successful to create map. Now I created a bag file following this tutorial. I created a bag file. But when I try to create a map using this newly created bag file I am getting the message
Compare Gmapping map with Ground Truth - ROS Answers
I would use this to compare the accuracy of different mapping techniques. I have considered using an image comparison tool (I tried GraphicsMagick), but this comes with some problems. First, the scale of the saved map (rosrun map_server map_saver) is different from the one of the original map. Secondly, the positions of both maps are different.
/rtabmap/cloud_map is only a 2D map - ROS Answers
2021年3月11日 · Hi! I ran the following demo for rtab-map ROS without changing anything: $ roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_robot_mapping.launch rviz:=true rtabmapviz:=false $ rosbag play --clock demo_mapping.bag In rviz, when I change the PointCloud2 from /voxel_cloud to /rtab_map/cloud_map, I get a point cloud of a 2D map with only red dots.
ROS Transform between robot and map - ROS Answers archive
2021年2月10日 · To publish a transform from odometry to map you need a node that can solve the global localization problem. For instance you could use AMCL. AMCL is a bit broad subject to discuss in details. Here are some other resources to get you started: TF tutorials in general. How to write your own ROS node that sets a static transform broadcaster:
robot_localization transform from map to odom drifts - ROS …
2021年5月31日 · At the same time, your pose in the map frame might be (12, 11) with a heading of pi / 3 radians. But ROS doesn't allow a frame to have two parents. You cannot have map->base_link and odom->base_link published in the same transform tree. To get around this, we compute the map->odom transform as. T_map_odom = T_map_base_link * T_odom_base_link ^ -1
Custom Robot Navigation with Saved Map - ROS Answers archive
2017年5月18日 · Hi! I have a custom robot (using Raspberry Pi 3 and Orbbec Astra camera) and I managed to get a map using gmapping (depthimage-to-laserscan for /scan and laser-scan-matcher for the tf). Now I want to navigate the robot in this map.
overlapping occupancy grid maps - ROS Answers
2017年11月6日 · After that i need to merge both maps. As a first step I am choose one pose estimation as fixed and I am trying to rotate and translate the otherone to overlap the fixed one (map included). The problem is that I dont know how to rotate and translate de occupancy grid map. An image with the problem description is attached. Thanks in advance!