Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza
Peru-born chemical biologist, artist and NatGeo explorer, Rosa is magnifying hidden worlds of the Amazonia and our planet through conservation, science and creative storytelling. Dr. Rosa is the founder and Executive Director of Amazon Research International.
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza - Wikipedia
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza is a Peruvian chemical biologist and conservationist who founded Amazon Research Internacional, an organization focused on biodiversity research and conservation in the Amazon rainforest. Her work integrates traditional ecological knowledge with modern science, emphasizing sustainable practices and community collaboration.
Rosa Vasquez Espinoza - Wikitia
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza is a Peruvian Chemical Biologist, former professional dancer, and National Geographic Explorer. She is the founder and executive director of Amazon Research Internacional and the co-founder of Purple Corn Creative Sciences.
Rosa Vasquez | DC Extended Universe Wiki | Fandom
Rosa Vasquez is the wife of Victor Vasquez [1] and the foster mother of Billy Batson and the Shazam Family. "Baby, we did our fair share of running off back then." A few years younger than Victor, [2] Rosa was orphaned as a child and spent her formative years living in a series of foster homes, many of which she attempted to escape from. [3]
Biography - Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza
As founder of Amazon Research Internacional, Rosa unites science and advocacy, collaborating with indigenous communities to illuminate and protect Amazonian ecosystems. Her ground-breaking work includes becoming the first microbial explorer of the Amazonian Boiling River, leading the first chemical analysis of Amazonian stingless bees and ...
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza es una bióloga química y conservacionista peruana, cuyo trabajo integra el conocimiento ecológico tradicional con la ciencia moderna, enfatizando las prácticas sostenibles y la colaboración comunitaria. En 2024, la BBC la nombró como una de las 100 mujeres más influyentes del mundo. 1 .
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza: Magnifying the world’s tiniest life forms
2022年3月31日 · National Geographic Explorer and chemical biologist Rosa Vásquez Espinoza takes a closer look at the microbial world of the Amazon to shed light on how microscopic creatures help sustain all...
2024年12月3日 · La bióloga quími ca Rosa Vásquez Espinoza ha sido reconocida como una de las 100 Mujeres de la BBC 2024, una prestigiosa lista que celebra la labor de mujeres destacadas en cultura, educación, entretenimiento, deporte, política, ciencia, salud y tecnología.
Rosa Vasquez (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom
Rosa Vasquez Prime Earth New 52. Rosa Vasquez Video Games DC Legends. Rosa Vasquez DC Extended Universe Shazam! Captain Marvel. Supporting: Beautia Sivana • Black Adam • Black Marvel Family • Bulletman • Captain Marvel, Jr. • C.C. Batson • Darla Dudley • Ebenezer Batson • Eugene Choi • Fat Marvel • Freckles Marvel • Gods ...
Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza - Conferencista - Charlas …
Rosa Vásquez Espinoza es una bióloga química, conservacionista, personalidad de televisión, oradora pública, exploradora de National Geographic y artista galardonada. De ascendencia peruana andina y amazónica, Rosa creció aprendiendo sobre medicina tradicional de su abuela en la ‘farmacia natural’ de su patio trasero.