Route Army - Wikipedia
A Route Army (路軍/路军), was a type of military organization during the first Republic of China, and usually exercised command over two or more corps or a large number of divisions or independent brigades.
Eighth Route Army - Wikipedia
The Eighth Route Army (simplified Chinese: 八路军; traditional Chinese: 八路軍; pinyin: Bālù-Jūn), officially known as the 18th Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China, was a group army under the command of the Chinese Communist Party, nominally within the structure of the Chinese military headed by the ...
19th Route Army - Wikipedia
19th Route Army (simplified Chinese: 十九路军; traditional Chinese: 十九路軍; pinyin: Shíjiǔ lù jūn) was an army in the Republic of China led by General Cai Tingkai. It gained a good reputation among Chinese for fighting the Japanese in Shanghai in the January 28 Incident in 1932.
Eighth Route Army | Communist, Guerrilla Warfare, China
Eighth Route Army, larger of the two major Chinese communist forces that fought the Japanese from 1937 to 1945. The Eighth Route Army also engaged in political and propaganda work, helping to increase communist support among the populace. The army grew from 30,000 troops in July 1937 to 156,000 in
八路军总司令部旧址 - 百度百科
民国二十六年(1937年)8月,中国共产党领导的红军主力改编为国民革命军第八路军(又称第十八集团军,简称“八路军”),即赴山西抗日前线。 总司令部先后驻扎在晋察冀抗日根据地的五台县南茹村、潞城北村等地。 朱德、彭德怀等领导人曾在此指挥华北地区的抗日游击斗争。 民国二十八年(1939年)7月,由朱德总司令、彭德怀副总司令、左权副总参谋长率领的八路军总部各机关从潞城北村经黎城霞庄,进驻砖壁村。 同年10月,八路军总部迁到王家峪村,部分留守砖壁 …
八路军太行纪念馆官网 中国·山西·武乡
八路军太行纪念馆(Taihang Memorial Museum of the Eighth Route Army),是中国唯一全面反映八路军抗战历史的大型革命纪念馆, 同时也是国家级抗战纪念设施、国家一级博物馆,集收藏、展览、研究、宣传于一体的综合性红色旅游经典景区。
八路军驻京办事处纪念馆 - 百度百科
八路军驻京办事处纪念馆(Memorial Hall of Nanjing Office of the Eighth Route Army)位于中国江苏省南京市鼓楼区傅厚岗66号(现青云巷41号),是一处重要的军事历史纪念馆。
八路军总部(集总) - 百度百科
Why were they called "Route Armies" in China. : r/WarCollege
2023年10月3日 · TLDR; "Road Army" (lu jun) is an overly-literal mistranslation caused by an earlier conflation of land armies with the concept of a military force in general, and the presence of "road" or "lu" merely serves to specify that the force is a ground-based formation or service branch as opposed to an air or naval one.
map.army - Plan your Mission
App to create, save and exchange Military Maps according to MIL-STD-2525 and STANAG APP-6. Web application supports Military Grids MGRS, UTM and BNG.
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