Are the Rox anti-vibe risers worth it? - Adventure Rider
2011年6月14日 · I had the Tusk ones on my '06 KLR650, they suck. They raise the bars but also push them back too much. I switched to Rox basic $75 risers and love them, they are infinitely adjustable, so I could raise the bars up and roll them forward to where I wanted them. I think you just need better grips, for anti vibration.
ROX Riser Install Pictorial (2 sets plus cable/line relocation)
2005年2月11日 · So, I got a couple sets of ROX Risers, a 1.5" up and back fixed set, and a 2" Anti-Vibe Adjustable set, and thought I would show the install process. Later I will review their effectiveness. (Note, most risers will install the same way.) Very nicely machined, and comes with new caps as well.
Rox Risers Install on 2019 Chieftain Limited with OEM...
2020年2月13日 · Rox Risers Installation 2019 Indian Chieftain Limited with OEM Mid-Rise Handlebars I've seen some very helpful posts from folks who've installed Rox Risers on their 2018 and earlier Chieftains, but none for the 2019. Since Indian introduced a redesigned faring for 2019, I'm offering up this "tutorial" for the 2019 install.
ROX Handlebar Risers - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2024年6月17日 · Regarding the Rox risers. Here's what I learned talking to Rox a millions times. I used painter's tape to cover my handlebars, gauge, front fender. I didn't want to get anything scratched. For some reason, my gauge still did. I laid towels down on the gas tank in …
Rox Speed FX Risers for the Scout | Indian Motorcycle Forum
2019年6月13日 · The risers mount into your OEM bar clamps and you will use caps to secure the risers that Rox will provide. You will then take your OEM bar clamp/ Speedo assembly and secure your bars on top of the risers with that. The risers will get you much more comfy on the bike. the best part is that all your OEM cables and lines work with the risers.
Rox Risers on 2018 RoadMaster | Indian Motorcycle Forum
2018年8月2日 · I used ideas from other posts about these, and following Indian’s instructions for replacing handlebars. The biggest advantage I found was torquing The top screws on both the handle bar clamp and the Rox risers. Get them into position, and loosen the Lower Rox outer screws. - drop the handlebars down about half way and retighten the screws.
How the hell did you torq your Rox risers - Adventure Rider
2006年10月6日 · 6) Rotate risers where you want them 7) Torque front (bigger) bolts of OEM mount 8) Torque Rox clamp bolts Btw: a lot of people found that the hole in the Rox riser is perfectly aligned to torque the rear bolt for a very good position for most riders. That worked perfectly well for me when I was using the Rox risers.
Rox Risers - Adventure Rider
2017年1月31日 · Rotate the Risers full forward and then tighten the rear bolts to 20N.m. It will be hard to hand rotate the risers back but it's doable. Rotate the Risers back until you have enough room to insert the star bit to tighten. Undo the Rox bolts and install the handlebar, positioning in the center (use the pencil line) and "level". Tighten the Rox ...
New Rox Risers for F800GS with ABS - Adventure Rider
2009年10月9日 · Thank you Rox Risers for listening to your customers who wanted risers without changing the brake line. Here's the info as listed on their site: New Low Pro 1 3/4"rise x 1 1/8" Stem Clamp x 1 1/8" Handlebar Dual Sport Motorcycle Pivoting Risers New Super Low Pro 1-3/4" center to center rise for BMW F800GS and KTM's.
Rox risers on a 2016 Chieftain - Indian Motorcycle Forum
2016年6月14日 · 14) Got risers bolted into place with wife's assistance. 15) Discovered that the Rox risers were angled too low and would impact the tank when turning. 16) Loosened riser clamp bolts and re-positioned everything. 17) Tightened everything down, verified no impact between Rox risers and tank. 18) Reinstalled clamp screws after adjusting slack.