Conveting hz to rpm on a vfd? - Practical Machinist
2007年12月9日 · What I do is to take the 60 hz RPM of the motor off the nameplate. Take that figure and divide by 60. That gives me # of RPMs per Hz. Multiply it by the HZ to get RPM. for example. 1725 RPM motor / 60 = 28.75 28.75 * 90 hz = 2587 RPM Now if your intent is to display motor RPM instead of HZ, then that is dependent on the VFD maker.
VFD question, is RPM linear to HZ? - Practical Machinist
2011年7月29日 · Based on a VFD rated 1725 rpm TEFC motor, and also assuming that overdriving the motor does not exceed the nameplate amp draw. Is the RPM to HZ curve completely linear? or is there an adjustment factor? I guess I could go out and get a tachometer and do some testing, but thought someone might...
Help understand this torque vs RPM chart - Practical Machinist
2007年8月31日 · Most vendors publish Torque vs RPM graphs of motors that cover the RPM range from zero to max range, but Baldor is an exception, their performance charts only plot the RPM range over a small interval. For example, this chart (on page 9) ...
Transformers, Phase Converters and VFD - Practical Machinist
2004年8月26日 · VFD's will vary three phase motor RPM's very well but the motor is still constant torque. If it develops 2 HP at 60 Hz (1750 RPM) it will develop 1 HP at 30 Hz (900) and so on until at 200 RPM (or whatever) the motor devlops HP in proportion to the VFD's set Hz divided by the line Hz. For this reason you still need step pulleys, gears, variable speed V …
Proximity switch target considerations - Practical Machinist
2009年10月10日 · Trying to use an 18mm barrel type PNP inductive Proximity switch to create pulses from a rotating shaft (retrofit parts to feed an existing RPM display). I need the prox switch to close and open 3 times/wheel revolution. Must be reliable to 3500 wheel RPM (175 HZ). My test wheel is 10"...
General | OT - Generator Theory Question - Practical Machinist
2007年2月28日 · I'm pretty certain that you have to divide by 60 in every case to get frequency and speed in the same units, ie cycles or revs per second. Interesting comment about pairs of poles or just poles, I was taught as pairs. The question was posed something like this: state how many pairs of poles would be fitted to a generator with a prime mover running at 700 RPM and an output frequency of 50 Hz My ...
Replacing 1750 RPM motor with 3-phase 3450 RPM motor + VFD …
2008年4月24日 · Go with a 1750 RPM motor and over speed it, they can easily go to 100 or if need 120Hz. Better motors, such as inverter/vector motors are designed for a much wider operation performance window and much higher speeds (6000 RPM for 2 and 3 Hp motors). A standard 3450 RPM can only be over sped by maybe 20%, not recommended.
Using VFD to overspeed a motor - Practical Machinist
2014年8月5日 · If there is an application where a motor needs to run at a range of 30-120 hz, is it better for the motor to keep the correct hz/v ratio vs oversizing the motor so limiting the voltage above 60hz to 230v and reducing torque? If I run a 230 v motor with a 460 vfd and program the 230 @ 60hz, The...
General | Quietest electric motor style for power equipment ...
2008年1月9日 · I was wondering if there was a specific style of motor that was quieter then the rest? fully enclosed, fan cooled? Also are there other brands other than Baldor known for being quiet? My current motor specs are: Baldor Industrial Motor. CAT. NO.: L1303 Spec: 35d11-77 Frame: 56 Ser: 180 H.P. 1/2 Volts: 115-208/230 Amps: 8.2/4.1 RPM: 1140 Hz: 60 ...
Transformers, Phase Converters and VFD | max rpm for vfd.
2004年5月6日 · It's a 15 HP 3 phase motor rated 230 volts at 250 Hz, for a nominal speed of 15,000 RPM. It originally got the 250 Hz from a motor-generator but is an obvious candidate for a VFD.