RSP1A - SDRplay
The RSP1A covers the complete radio spectrum from 1kHz (VLF) to 2GHz (Microwaves) with up to a massive 10MHz visible bandwidth and the companion SDR software has all the popular ham bands and shortwave broadcast bands as “presets” for instant set-up.
入手了sdrplay rsp1A,上图_软件无线电吧_百度贴吧
mchf全波段全模式sdr短波电台,10W以上发射,RSP1A价格的2倍左右,可玩性感觉比较大。 不妨买个玩玩. rsp1a有手动调节增益高放,用官方的sdruno,比较方便。 原版Rsp1A灵敏度不错,注意要配原厂sdruno软件。 Sdr哪个型号好? rsp1a rsp1dx rsp2. sdrplay的调谐器是14年前的芯片,技术早就淘汰了。 入手了sdrplay..之前玩几十块的RTL2832U+R820T,看rsp1A介绍这么6,忍不住入一个来玩玩,说实话可能是之前期望太大,测试后有点小失望,700大洋, …
A Review of the SDRplay RSP1A - RTL-SDR
2017年11月16日 · Yesterday the SDRplay team released the $99 US RSP1A, which is a revision of the RSP1A. In this post we present a review comparing its performance against the older RSP1 and the currently selling $169.95 US RSP2.
The RSP1B is an enhanced version of the popular RSP1A powerful wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz. The RSP1B comes in a rugged black painted steel case and has significantly improved noise performance. All it needs is a computer and an antenna to provide excellent communications receiver functionality.
Announcing the new RSP1A wideband full featured 14-bit SDR
2017年11月15日 · SDRplay Limited has today announced the launch of a new Software Defined Radio product – the RSP1A. The SDR-play RSP1A is a major upgrade to the popular RSP1 and is a powerful wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the RF spectrum from 1 …
Using RSP1A With SdrSharp 1361 - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年3月19日 · Can someone provide some guidance on what I need to do to get things setup for the RSP1A to work with Sdr# 1361 and also plugins that will work and getting those working.
The SDRplay RSP1A hardware does up-front filtering, amplifying, mixing and Analog to Digital conversion. It sends the digitised signal to the PC over the USB cable and the SDRuno software performs the rest of processing chain
A review of the SDRplay RSP1A software defined radio
2017年11月15日 · Today, SDRplay, the UK-based manufacturer of affordable software defined receivers, announced a new addition to their product line: the SDRplay RSP-1A. The RSP1A joins the SDRplay product line of the RSP2 ($169.95 US), and RSP2 Pro ($199.95 US). The new RSP1A will retail for $99.00 US. But what of this SDR’s performance?
SDRPlay RSP1A : Récepteur-Scanner SDR 1kHz-2Ghz
Récepteur SDR large-bande, le SDRPlay RSP1A couvre en réception toutes les fréquences de 1 kHz à 2 GHz sans trou, avec jusqu'à 10 MHz de bande passante à l'écran et un échantillonnage en 14 bits. Doté de 11 filtres de bandes selon la fréquence utilisée, d'un préampli LNA à gain réglable, d'un TCXO 0.5 PPM et d'une alimentation BIAS-T de 4.7V.
Reviews For: SDRplay RSP1 and RSP1A - eHam.net
The current production version, the RSP1A which launched in November 2017, is a 14- bit full featured SDR receiver covering 1kHz – 2GHz with 10MHz visible bandwidth. The full …