РТРС - Радио Телевизија Републике Српске
Radio Television of Republika Srpska official website, news, politics, economy, sport, entertainment.
RTRS - Radio Televizija Republike Srpske
Radio Television of Republika Srpska official website, news, politics, economy, sport, entertainment.
Najaktuelnije informacije iz zemlje i svijeta, u Dnevniku 2 Televizije Republike Srpske. Svako veče, od 19 časova i 30 minuta, najnovije i najvažnije vijesti donose iskusni novinari-reporteri, uživo sa terena, u analitičkim i istraživačkim prilozima. Uživo uključenja sa mjesta događaja, u pravo vrijeme, prateći svjetske trendove u TV novinarstvu.
RTRS Live Online - Gledajte RTRS Online - Balkan Live TV
RTRS televizija Republike Srpske uživo iz Banja Luke. Internet TV, besplatno gledanje domaćih kanala putem interneta.
Radio Television of Republika Srpska official website, news, politics, economy, sport, entertainment.
Certifications – RTRS - Responsible Soy
RTRS Certification for Responsible Soy Production is valid for 5 years with mandatory annual surveillance audits. The RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard describes the requirements for the different traceability systems an organization can implement to keep control of RTRS-certified material inventories, either soybeans or soy byproducts.
RTRS – Round Table on Responsible Soy - Control Union
The RTRS – an international and market-orientated organisation – has developed schemes which contain a set of principles, criteria and indicators. These are related to the plantation and control of certified soya / corn and its by-products and are applicable globally to …
Radio Television of Republika Srpska official website, news, politics, economy, sport, entertainment.
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