[Guide] How to setup MSI Afterburner On Screen Display using RTSS
2018年9月30日 · If it is already running, you can open it from the task tray by clicking on the RTSS icon. The first changes you'll probably want to make are to enable it to start with windows and minimize on startup. You may also wish to change the rendering mode from the default Vector 2D to Raster 3D.
New better quality icons for MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner …
2021年10月26日 · Here's some improved quality icons (256px x 256px) which support being shown in "Large icons" and "Extra large icons" on Windows. Feel free to integrate them with the app executable / .ico...
RTSS - Community overlay skins and presets | guru3D Forums
2021年10月21日 · Rivatuner Statistics Server (RTSS) Forum. This thread was created exclusively for publishing overlay skins and presets. No need to publish here your comments, wishes, …
Statistics server not showing up - guru3D Forums
2009年5月9日 · If you only want to access RTSS GUI and if you enabled the option "single icon mode" in the User Interface settings of MSI AB the RTSS icon is hidden, to say it launches RTSS with parameter...
[伸手党福音]抛弃MSIAfterburner,仅靠RTSS监控优化伸手版 - 电 …
2024年2月2日 · 第一次导入后如果某一项不显示或者失效,请关闭退出RTSS后再开启,如还是有问题,请点开setup-plugins-overlayeditor-data sources-edit看是否监控导入失败api缺失,然后再自行添加。 所有监控项目都可以在setup-plugins-overlayeditor直接双击更改,选中移动,键盘del键删除,ins添加。 第一行最后少一个CPU风扇转速和百分比,是因为我水冷,机箱风扇用的集线器没有这个监控,你们可自行添加。 第三行第二个热点温度是A卡独有,N卡不一定有热点温 …
MSI Afterburner OSD won't display in games
If there's nothing to be shown in OSD - RTSS won't launch with MSI AB because it's not needed. If you're referring to the tab that has CPU usage, gpu temp/usage, core clock, memory clock, etc etc and you can check them off.
An elegant RTSS Overlay to showcase your benchmark stats in style.
An elegant RTSS Overlay to showcase your benchmark stats in style.
RTSS硬件监控教程:功能、设置及兼容性问题 - 百度贴吧
RTSS (Rivatuner Statistics Server)是Rivatuner配套的监控与屏显 (OSD, On Screen Display)服务,至今仍在更新独立版本保持与最新技术的兼容,除了显示自身的帧率统计信息外,还可显示AIDA64、HWiNFO64的统计信息。
GitHub - Unknxwn007/RTSS-Overlays: A collection of overlays for ...
A collection of overlays for Rivatuner Statistics Server. Run install-me.cmd and it will copy all OVL (RTSS extension for overlay files) files to the overlay directory.
RTSS won't open : r/pcmasterrace - Reddit
2023年10月27日 · RTSS only shows its configuration GUI with a mouse interaction. You can set up whats display in-game via Afterburner settings. It won't open on screen if you launch exe, it only opens from hidden icons like this.