RTSYS is a world leader in the design and manufacture of acoustic recorders, buoys and software either for post-processing analysis or real-time assessment
Autonomous underwater vehicles - RTSYS
RTSYS' AUVs allow long-range underwater exploration with various sensors and custom payloads for reliable, accurate and cost-effective operations
About RTSYS . Who we are. What we do. Why we do it
About RTSYS. Driven by underwater acoustics, passionate about robotics, we help Science Industry & Defense to enhance trust underwater.
Underwater Acoustic Recorders for marine biologists and PAM
RTSYS manufactures tailor-made and off-the-shelf underwater acoustic recorders for marine mammal and protected species observers.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring - RTSYS
RTSYS provides acoustic recorders, buoys and stations to help PAM operators monitor marine wildlife in prost-processing or real-time.
NemoSens® μAUV - RTSYS
NemoSens is an open, cost-effective and modular micro-AUV made to conduct easy and accurate seabed survey and water-quality monitoring.
A propos - RTSYS
Du design mécatronique à l’étude hydrodynamique des composants en passant par l’optimisation du poids et l’intégration de charges utiles, les produits de la gamme RTSYS sont légers, versatiles et simples d’utilisation.
Drones sous-marins autonomes - RTSYS
NemoSens est un véhicule sous-marin autonome (AUV) dont la longueur inférieure à 1 mètre offre une grande flexibilité dans la réalisation de ses missions (bathymétrie, inspection offshore…). Avec une autonomie supérieure à 8 heures et une architecture ouverte pouvant accueillir différentes charges utiles, NemoSens est aujourd’hui plébiscité par les scientifiques …
Contact - RTSYS
Contact us If you are interested in our underwater acoustic products, please provide us with information such as your interest in our products, their quality, a brief description of the project, …
The Sea Vorian Group stands out in the design, manufacture, integration, and offshore support of high-tech equipment for marine and underwater environments. As a leading European player, Sea Vorian provides specialized products and services, enabling clients from industrial, scientific, and defense sectors to collect and analyze essential underwater data.