Reliable User Datagram Protocol - Wikipedia
In computer networking, the Reliable User Datagram Protocol (RUDP) is a transport layer protocol designed at Bell Labs for the Plan 9 operating system. It aims to provide a solution where UDP is too primitive because guaranteed-order packet delivery is desirable, but TCP adds too much complexity/overhead.
Reliable User Datagram Protocol (RUDP) - GeeksforGeeks
Dec 7, 2022 · R in RUDP stands for Reliable, it is a UDP-based data transfer but with higher Reliability. It provides reliability by using the sliding window protocol. RUDP is basically the solution to the UDP where data reliability along with confirmation is needed.
ms-s/rudp: Reliable UDP - GitHub
Reliable UDP (RUDP) supports sliding window flow control, ARQ-based packet retransmissions and detection of out-of-order packets. To compile, simply run make. This will compile the RUDP library and two applications which use RUDP. The sample applications are vs_send and vs_recv, a file sending application and a file receiving application.
RUDP传输那些事儿 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
rudp在分为发送端和接收端,每一种rudp在设计的时候会做不一样的选择和精简,概括起来就是图中的单元。 RUDP的重传是发送端通过接收端ACK的丢包信息反馈来进行数据重传,发送端会根据场景来设计自己的重传方式,重传方式分为三类:定时重传,请求重传和FEC ...
draft-ietf-sigtran-reliable-udp-00 - IETF Datatracker
RUDP is a simple packet based transport protocol. RUDP is based on RFCs 1151 and 908 - Reliable Data Protocol. RUDP is layered on the UDP/IP Protocols and provides reliable in-order delivery (up to a maximum number of retransmissions) for virtual connections. RUDP has a very flexible design that would make it suitable for a variety of transport ...
Datagram Protocol (RUDP) which is an efficient transport layer protocol for reliable data transfer over high speed networks. RUDP protocol guarantees the delivery of all the packets in order. It extends UDP by adding the following additional features: 1) Acknowledgment of
Reliable UDP (RUDP): The Next Big Streaming Protocol?
Nov 28, 2012 · The RUDP-like protocol (called RelayCaster Streaming Protocol or RCSP) is used internally by the company's appliances to move live video from the TVCaster origination appliances to RelayCaster devices.
RUDP has a very flexible design suitable for future expansion and had become the base for several other UDP-based improvement researches. The emergence of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in early 2000, shifted the focus of some researchers …
rudp 是在UDP上实现的可靠传输 (rudp is a reliable transmission …
rudp采用请求回应机制,实现了UDP的可靠传输,即接收方检查是否丢失数据,然后向发送方请求丢失的数据,因此发送方必须保留已经发送过的数据一定时间来回应数据丢失。 为了减小发送方数据保留量,在每收到n个包时通知发送方n之前的包已经收到可以清除了,另外超过设定的包超时时间后也会清除。 rudp := rudp. New () n , err := rudp. Send (bts [] byte) n , err := rudp. Recv (data [] …
可靠的UDP (RUDP) - CSDN博客
Jul 13, 2020 · RUDP 的重传是发送端通过接收端 ACK 的丢包信息反馈来进行数据重传,发送端会根据场景来设计自己的重传方式,重传方式分为三类:定时重传、请求重传和 FEC 选择重传。 定时重传很好理解,就是发送端如果在发出数据包(T1)时刻一个 RTO 之后还未收到这个数据包的 ACK 消息,那么发送端就重传这个数据包。 这种方式依赖于接收端的 ACK 和 RTO,容易产生 …
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