LCP II Vs. SR22 - Ruger Forum
2025年3月12日 · The LCP II being about 100 bucks less than the SR22 is a big pull for me, and the pocketable concealment is a big pro as well. I wish I could try them both out side by side beforehand, but there isn't a good place nearby for that.
Best ammo for LCP 2 22lr is? - Ruger Forum
2020年7月30日 · My LCP loves Golden Bullet and anything CCI. Lots of issues with Thunderbolts and Federal balk ammo. I have owned 5 of these Ruger LCP 11 .22s. Everytime I go shooting with friends or relatives one of them fall in love with the pistol and just has to have it. 🤣 I now own one with the stainless slide. Looks cool.
Ruger LCP II 22lr vs Beretta 21A Bobcat
2020年2月7日 · The LCP II while nice has its issues currently. Mine has consistent light strikes with practically all .22 ammo, and some ejection issues (though few). Admittedly after about 70 rounds the 21a may start exhibiting some issues, if its clean and you run high velocity ammo its insanely reliable.
New LCP II problem or is this normal. - Ruger Forum
2017年2月13日 · My LCP II had difficulty inserting the magazine. At first I had to push in the mag release to fully insert the mag. Now, a month later, it inserts easily without having to press the mag release. If you determine you have a faulty magazine, contact Ruger and have them send you a new one. Hopefully it's just that simple.
Ruger LCP II Misfeed Issue
2016年12月15日 · Ruger lcp ii magazines New to forum. Just purchased a new lcp ii last week. Magazine dropped during shooting. I changed floor plates thinking downward pressure on extended floor plate and possible weak magazine release might be the problem. Did the same thing with flat floor plate. Also, magazines were difficult to seat.
LCP II - Is it worth the upgrade? | Ruger Pistol Forums
2019年5月19日 · Here's an interesting video review comparing the LCP, Custom and LCP II. Some folks still like their original LCP Gen 1, LCP Gen 2, or LCP Custom. Others have decided to "upgrade" to the LCP II. Let us know what you decided, and why. Pretty good review, even though he refers to the LCP II as...
LCP 22lr vs LCP II 380 vs Keltec P32 - Ruger Forum
2021年2月17日 · Have the Keltec P32 and its been incredibly reliable. But to save training costs with 32 acp ammo, I recently purchased LCP 22lr and found its more accurate, fun to shoot and great for range training. Now considering the LCP II 380, but wondering how the reliability and recoil compares to P32 if anyone has both.
Question on Ruger LCP II .22 Sights - Ruger Forum
2024年1月11日 · Well, I'm back and still dragging my feet on a Ruger LCP II .22. However, I have now secured enough gift cards to cover the pistol outright. I was carefully looking at an LCP II .22 today and I noticed that the front sight seems really low. So low that I don't see how this thing isn't shooting over a target, even at close ranges.
LCP II failure to feed Big Time Problem! | Page 2 | Ruger Forum
2018年10月2日 · I took the Crimson Trace Green Laser off my Ruger LCP II .380 and put it onto the .22 LCP II. I plan on selling the LCP II since I just picked up a Remington RM 380 today and shot it as well. Wow, what a nice pistol that is, a real upgrade from the LCP II .380 about 1/3rd less recoil and a real solid all metal construction, yet still only ...
Strike 2 with new LCP II - Ruger Pistol Forums
2016年12月28日 · Got the LCP II back from Ruger today. They replaced the grip frame, hammer latch, hammer latch spring, and magazine latch. They repaired the barrel. They also tested fired 18 rounds of Black Hills 100GR FMJ, 18 rounds of Fed American Eagle 95GR FMJ, and 18 rounds of Fiochi 95GR FMJ with no malfunctions.