Rui Hua | History - Boston University
Modern East Asian History. I am a historian of law and empire in modern East Asia. In addition to a deep fascination with the many transnational connections in this world region, I have a special obsession with a Northeast Asian borderland called Manchuria.
Rui Hua - Harvard University Asia Center
Rui Hua, Assistant Professor of History at Boston University, is a historian of law, empire, and the environment in modern East Asia. In addition to a deep fascination with the many transnational connections in this world region, he has a special obsession with a Northeast Asian borderland called Manchuria.
Rui Hua | East Asian Languages and Civilizations - Harvard …
Peasants Versus Empires: Transnational Civil Justice and National Legal Decolonization in Manchuria, 1881-1951.
Rui Hua - Google Scholar
Rui Hua. UT Health San Antonio. Verified email at livemail.uthscsa.edu. Bone Biology Connexin Proteoglycan. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. ... R Hua, Q Ni, TD Eliason, Y Han, S Gu, DP Nicolella, X Wang, JX Jiang. Matrix Biology 94, 95-109, 2020. 48:
何睿华博士 - Westlake
2017年回国后,在西湖大学提议并主导开发搭建一套综合表面分析超高真空互联系统,历时三年建成,现已成为面向国内用户、具国际竞争力的量子材料研究利器,并有力地驱动了校内外多学科交叉与合作。 基于该系统,最近带领团队在光阴极和光电发射领域作出了材料和理论两个层面上的原始创新,一篇相关论文于2023年3月提前线上发表于Nature。 1. C. Y.
徐瑞华 | 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 - SYSUCC
徐瑞华,中国医学科学院学部委员,中山大学肿瘤防治中心主任、医院院长、研究所所长,华南恶性肿瘤防治全国重点实验室主任,教授,博士生导师。 兼任中国临床肿瘤学会理事长,中国抗癌协会副理事长,中国抗癌协会靶向治疗专委会首届主任委员、化疗专委会候任主任委员,中国临床肿瘤学会肠癌专委会主任委员、胃癌专委会首届主任委员,《Cancer Communications》(IF 20.1)主编,研究生教材《肿瘤学》及本科生教材《临床肿瘤学》主编。 以第一完成人获得 …
Prof Rui Hua is Awarded East Asia Studies Career Development ...
2022年9月28日 · This year, history’s assistant professor of history, Rui Hua, was awarded the East Asia Studies Career Development Professorship. This award is supported by a BU alumnus based in Taiwan that recognizes assistant professors from several BU colleges whose research is specific to East Asia, particularly China and Taiwan.
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Rui Hua - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Rui Hua. Beijing jiaotong university. ... R Hua, X Dong, Y Wei, Z Shu, P Yang, Y Hu, S Zhou, H Sun, K Yan, X Yan, ... Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 31 (9), 2019-2029, 2024. 10: 2024: A Chemical Domain Knowledge-Aware Framework for Multi-view Molecular Property Prediction.
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Rui-hua_Xu - KINGCA
Dr. Ruihua Xu specializes in GI medical oncology, mainly engaged in the development of novel drugs and individualized treatment for GI cancer. Several of his innovative achievements have international leading position, including research of metastasis of GI cancer, chemotherapy drug resistance mechanism and optimization of clinical management.