Rusalka - Wikipedia
In Slavic folklore, the rusalka (plural: rusalki; Cyrillic: русалка, plural: русалки; Polish: rusałka, plural: rusałki) is a female entity, often malicious toward mankind and frequently associated with water.
Rusalka (opera) - Wikipedia
Rusalka (pronounced ⓘ), Op. 114, is an opera ('lyric fairy tale') by Antonín Dvořák. His ninth opera (1900–1901), [ 1 ] it became his most successful, frequenting the standard repertoire worldwide.
Rusalka | Water Nymph, Folklore & Mythology | Britannica
Rusalka, in Slavic mythology, lake-dwelling soul of a child who died unbaptized or of a virgin who was drowned (whether accidentally or purposely). Slavs of different areas have assigned different personalities to the rusalki.
Rusalka: The Mythical Slavic Mermaid | Ancient Origins
2016年9月30日 · In Slavic mythology, a rusalka (plural: rusalki) is something akin to the Celtic mermaids or the Greek sirens. In short, rusalki are beautiful young women who dwell in bodies of water and enjoy enticing men.
Rusalka – the Deadly Mermaid Beauty in Slavic lakes and legends
In Slavic folklore exists a mysterious and intriguing creature: the rusalka, a water-dwelling spirit who appears in the shape beautiful woman. There are many legends about this figure (sometimes very different from one another) which create its eerie allure.
Slavic water spirits - Wikipedia
According to Vladimir Propp, Rusalka (pl. Rusalki) was an appellation used by the early Slavs for tutelary deities of water who favour fertility, and they were not considered evil entities before the nineteenth century. They came out of the water in spring to transfer life-giving moisture to the fields, thus nurturing the crops.
The Folklore of the Rusalka: Water Spirits and Their Animal Kin
2024年11月26日 · The Rusalka is a captivating figure in Slavic folklore, embodying the mysteries of water and the complexities of nature. These water spirits, often associated with lakes and rivers, are steeped in both beauty and danger, reflecting the duality of the natural world.
The Rusalka's Power: Understanding the Abilities and Influence of …
2024年10月7日 · A Rusalka, in Slavic folklore, is often depicted as a female water spirit associated with bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and streams. These enchanting entities are significant in Slavic cultures, embodying various themes such as beauty, seduction, and danger.
Rusalka, Op.114 (Dvořák, Antonín) - IMSLP
Mesicku na nebi hlubokem (Act I, Rusalka's Song to the Moon) For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn (Sakellarides)
Rusalka – Wikipedija
Naziv „rusalka” potječe iz riječi „rusalija” (crkvenoslavenski: рѹсалиѩ, staroistočnoslavenski: русалиꙗ, bugarski: русалия, srpski: rusalje/русаље), koja je u slavenske jezike ušla preko bizantskog grčkog rousália (grč. ῥουσάλια) iz latinskog …
Rusalka — Википедија
Rusalka je jedna od vodenih vila iz narodnih verovanja slovenskih naroda. Literatura o rusalkama prilično je velika, i ona je dokazala neslovensko poreklo imena rusalki. Narodna etimologija dovela je rusalke u vezu sa rečju ruslo (potok), te nam je tako mnogo doprinela za izučavanje rusalki.
Rusalka - Gods and Monsters
In the realm of Central and Eastern Europe’s mythology, nestled within the lush whispers of Slavic folklore, resides the Rusalka, a creature of both beauty and mystery. This water nymph, known for her captivating beauty and enchanting voice, embodies the dual nature of fairy folk and spirit beings, a beacon of fascination and caution in equal ...
Rusalka - Wikipedie
Ivan Kramský: Rusalky (1871). Rusalky jsou ženské vodní démonky ve slovanské mytologii a lidové kultuře.První doklad použití slova rusalka pochází až z 16. století, v této době nejspíše ve východoslovanské kultuře nahradily víly. [1] Stejně jako víly mají dlouhé vlasy, nejčastěji rusé, v kterých je soustředěna jejich moc, a jejichž rozčesáváním mohou ...
Supernatural beings in Slavic religion - Wikipedia
In Slavic mythology, Rusalka is a water nymph, [2] a female spirit who lives in rivers. In most versions, rusalka is an unquiet being who is no longer alive, associated with the unclean spirit and dangerous.
Rusalka: A Deep Dive into the Mystical Water Creature - Snargl
2025年3月3日 · A Rusalka is a water sprite from Slavic mythology, usually inhabiting a lake or river. Rusalki (plural of rusalka) are often depicted as beautiful young women with long hair, pale skin, and green eyes. They can also have fish-like features, such as scales, fins, or tails.
Rusałka – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Termin rusałka pochodzi od łacińskiego rosalia (święto róż) i pojawił się dopiero w XVIII wieku. Takie starorzymskie pochodzenie słowa wywodzi część badaczyː Aleksander Gieysztor łączy je z obchodami na cześć bogini Karny, przypadającymi w okresie kwitnienia róż.Poprzez Bałkany termin dotarł na Ruś.Wśród Białorusinów pod terminem rusałka rozumiano ...
Rusalka – Wikipedia
Nimi rusalka on annettu järvelle Puolassa, ja sitä kantaa myös Mustanmeren rannalla sijaitseva suosittu virkistysalue Bulgariassa.
Using a theremin as a centerpiece, Rusalka leads us straight into a harsh noise odyssey of oceanic depths - but something is lurking beneath the waves. It's dark. Fog horns sound. A lighthouse is pulsating. Underwater evasion. Capitulation. Receding tides. No respite. These waters run thick.
Rusalka – mitska staroslavenska sirena - Dnevnik sa putovanja
2018年6月28日 · One su opsjedale jezera, rijeke, bare, močvare i svaku vodenu masu. Najčešće su opisivane kako mršava bića s velikim grudima, blijede kože i duge kose koja je bila plava, ali najčešće riđa. Njihove oči nisu imale zjenice, a ako je rusalka bila zle naravi, navodno su svijetlile zelenim plamenom.
Russalka Memorial - Wikipedia
Russalka Memorial (Estonian: Russalka mälestussammas) is a bronze monument sculpted by Amandus Adamson, erected on 7 September 1902 in Kadriorg, Tallinn, Estonia (then part of the Russian Empire) to mark the ninth anniversary of the sinking of the Russian warship Rusalka, or "Mermaid", which sank