Using the Oxide permission system
2017年3月6日 · That's the basics to permissions for Oxide. Permissions give you a fantastic way to manage staff without worrying about them abusing powers from the game's admin functionality (such as flight, noclip, super speed, etc.) so they can still enjoy the game but also help monitor your server at the same time.
Server commands for Rust - Oxide
2015年1月12日 · ownerid <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Sets player as a server admin with auth level 2; removemoderator <steamid64> - Removes player as moderator; removeowner <steamid64> - Removes player as owner; unban <steamid64> - Unbans player by Steam ID; Player Controls. chat.say - Sends a message from the in-game F1 console to the in-game chat …
Solved - Spawning a recycler? - Oxide
2017年5月6日 · try: entity.spawn recycler_static Edit: entity.spawn recycler will also spawn a recycler
Solved - Admin chat is green, player chat is blue - Oxide
2016年6月18日 · Forums Game Discussion Rust Discussion Solved Admin chat is green, player chat is blue Discussion in ' Rust Discussion ' started by Acerbusilva , Jun 18, 2016 .
Solved - Toggling third-person? - Oxide
2015年12月26日 · If your player is admin, there's no way to handle it due to client-side checks. It will work fine for normal players. The plugin does indeed work though. Admin in Rust can change their view using Rust's own F3 binding.
Rust - Build anywhere - Oxide
2018年8月22日 · Rust Build anywhere. Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by lLucidDreamer ... its 'spawn' - admin command)
Solved - Build anywhere - Oxide
2014年10月30日 · Hi guys very happy with all the rust plugins just wanting to know if anyone could make a plugin to allow admins auth level 2 to beable to build in a no build zone i know items can beplaced with /build but thats only foundations i cannot place anything else like a cuboard ectra if this is possible would be great!
AdminPanel - Oxide
2016年7月25日 · The Latest Oxide version is Oxide 2.0.2210 and the Latest Rust Version is Build# 953.85 Try to see if updating works. I know they did some updates to CUI witch broke a lot of overlays
Rust - GUI admin panel - Oxide
2015年9月4日 · So let's say a section of the GUI will list all active players and if the admin want a player TP'd to him then he can click on the player's name and the plugin would issue the chat command /tp [player name] [admin name] and TP the player to …
Oxide - Admin command console : teleportation
2016年4月27日 · Hi. As an admin, using Rust Admin Tool, I cannot use coordinates to make a teleportation. I tried the rust admin console and it did not work and I tried to find a console command in rust but according to me it was not working neither.