M4 Shotgun • Rust Wiki - RustClash
Don't bring this to fights in open fields and areas - playing in forests and buildings is where this gun shines. Insanely good gun overall, and pairs greatly with heavy plate armor. The best weapon in its range, and in my personal, close to objective opinion - the best in the game as a whole. And no less the best at slightly longer distances.
M4 (Legacy) | Rust Wiki - Fandom
The M4 is a craftable weapon that fires 5.56/223 caliber rounds. The magazine holds 24 rounds currently. It requires 30 Low Quality Metal to craft, which equal to 450 metal fragments. Its large ammo capacity, excellent accuracy, high damage, and rapid-fire capability make it a force to be...
M4型霰弹枪 - 腐蚀WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
首页 物品图鉴m4型霰弹枪 M4型霰弹枪(M4 Shotgun) 物品介绍:这是一把军用的半自动霰弹枪。 物品短名称:shotgun.m4 物品ID:678698219
RUST M4 Shotgun - Corrosion Hour
The M4 Shotgun (M4) is a mid-to-long-ranged weapon in RUST with a high rate of fire. This item was added during the 10 Years of Rust update in December of 2023 as part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of RUST as a standalone PC game. The original M4 Shotgun was originally introduced in 2013 and has been revived to celebrate the anniversary.
M4 Shotgun | Rust Wiki | Fandom
M4 Shotgun. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) {Template:LastUpdate|904.83}} {{Infobox-Item M4 Shotgun. A semi automatic military issue shotgun. General. Shortname. M4 Shotgun ... Rust Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...
New Rust M4 Shotgun : r/playrust - Reddit
M4 assault rifle is now LR-300 so you can’t add that. The P2, Bolty, and MP5 from legacy are already in current rust. So all you’re left with is the M3 shotgun
M4 Shotgun - Complete Guide | Rust Tutorial - YouTube
The most powerful shotgun added to rust so far, the m4 shotgun is a tier above the rest as it doesn't just pack a punch but also excels at ranged combat compared to the other shotguns. Let's...
M4型霰弹枪/获取 - 腐蚀WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
此页面最后编辑于2024年5月4日 (星期六) 02:12。 此页面已被访问过80次。
武器&弾 - Rust Japan Wiki
2024年4月2日 · M4タイプのアサルトライフル、なかなかの威力と低いリコイルで扱いやすい。 近・中距離向け. ボルトアクションライフルよりも射程距離が長く弾道が落ちにくいスナイパーライフル。 ただしコッキング時間が長いのが欠点。 軍用セミオートライフル。 射程とダメージが従来のセミオートライフルよりも高いが1発の反動が少し高い フルオートと3点バーストの射撃方式を備えている. 手製のLMG。 M249の下位互換版で、AK-47よりもダメージが高く …
2023年9月17日 · RUST腐蚀最全物品图鉴。 Shockbyte工具柜 三角形折叠梯 三角形铁网地板 中世纪路障