Mazda RX-7 SA22C / 1st Generation (1978 - 1985) - AusRotary
2008年8月31日 · here is a leaflet which shows the US S3 RX-7 with the factory 6 port EFI 13B engine. Note, There was two types early(pre S4) EFI 6port 13B's. One for the US market (rx-7) the other for the JDM in the early/mid 80's cosmos.
被忽视的RX7——初代RX7(FB) - 汽车之家
2013年6月8日 · 提到rx7,相信不少人都会想到fc和fd,的确,由于这两款车经常出现在各类漫画和电影里,例如《头文字d》,《湾岸竞速》,速度与激情1,2,3,竞速之王等等,再加上其优异的运动性能让这两代车型俘虏了不少车迷的心。
Can anyone explain to me the whole model line? : r/RX7 - Reddit
My s1 is 1980 limited, so the last of that shape but it has electric windows , had electric mirrors , has sunroof and a few other bits and pieces that came from the early s2 models . It's basically a s1 / s2 crossover and I'd they they did that throughout all variants depending on what parts they were developing and what they had left from ...
RX-7 - 百度百科
RX-7是MAZDA旗下的跑车,日本跑车中代表性的一款,RX-7采用传统跑车标准的前置后驱配置,搭载五速手动挡变速箱,车尾造型一体化尾灯组是全车识别性最高的地方。 MAZDA RX-7与NSX、Supra、3000GT一样同为日本高性能化跑车的代表,但是由于RX-7略显诡异的身材、还有以转子心脏跻身性能跑车之林的剽悍本色,在大部分车迷的眼中,这部车一直是较另类的角色,是《假面骑士black rx》里面莱多隆战车的原型,也是《名侦探柯南》中安室透的爱车。
2013年8月21日 · 第一代的车架代号是SA22C根据动力系统配置和年份的不同,一共分为三个版本,分别是:1978年至1980年的S1(自然进气的转子引擎);1981年至1983年的S2(1983年的S2开始使用涡轮增压)从S2开始进军北美市场,在VIN码上写的车型代码为FB。 1984年至1985年的S3(第一代车型就此停产) — — — — — — — — — — — — — —第二代:1985年9月发售,Savanna RX-7车架号FC(自然进气)、FC3S(涡轮增压)、敞篷版FC3C,这一代 …
Mazda RX-7 Series 1-3 – Buyer’s Guide - Unique Cars
2018年7月1日 · There is no excuse for choosing a really ratty RX-7 unless you’re in the mood for a full rebuild. S1 models are becoming harder to find, however the cost of a for decent car remains below $20,000. Exceptional cars in preserved original condition will exceed $30,000.
RX7 S1-S3 - Just Rotaries
Upgrade your Mazda RX7 S1-S3 with premium parts for enhanced performance and style. Find everything you need here.
Mazda RX7 for sale | Trade Me Motors
Trade Me has 35 listings for Mazda RX7 for sale. Get detailed vehicle info, view photos, and do a quick background check so you can buy with confidence today.
Mazda RX-7 Parts, Mazda Parts for RX7 rotary - Rotary Response
It has been found that the most common cause has been that aftermarket base gaskets had been installed which blocked the porting from the manifold to carburetor. The carbureted RX7 utilizes an insulator between it and the manifold, the insulator is the base gasket.