Ricoh RZ-750 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年10月25日 · The RZ-750 is an autofocus compact camera for 35mm film, introduced by Ricoh in 1989. It is also known as the Shotmaster Zoom or TF-900 Zoom. The RZ-750 was Ricoh's top of the line compact camera of the day with exceptional creative capabilities. It incorporates special modes that are very unique for a compact camera.
【胶片相机】理光Ricoh Rz-750 关于它我有些话想说。_哔哩哔 …
#胶片摄影##vlog#我还是个胶片菜鸟,如果你也有一些心得,希望你们也可以在评论区一起讨论。, 视频播放量 2511、弹幕量 5、点赞数 18、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 12、转发人数 6, 视频作者 松尾先森, 作者简介 只有你们的支持,才有更新的动力。~,相关视频:与理光GR3X共度的一 …
35mm compact camera: Ricoh RZ-750 - YouTube
I talk about the Ricoh RZ-750 35mm point & shoot film camera.Website: https://www.davidgabrielmoreno.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laser_spelled_w...
Ricoh RZ-750 – AnalogTheRoom
Introducing the Ricoh RZ 750, an exceptional and creative compact camera for 35mm film. With unique modes such as continuous shooting, interval shooting, and multiple exposure, it offers exceptional capabilities. Plus, it is compatible with a remote control device and even has a dedicated front tele-converter available for extended focal length.
理光rz750有没有具体怎么用的说明书,我刚入不太会用? - 知乎
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 …
【先品人后爽快交易的会朋数码-销售+维修理保养】 Ricoh/理光 RZ-750 DATE RZ750 …
会朋点评此机器的特点:理光 rt-550 {rz750是升级版}是双定焦的机器,广角拍风景扫街,长焦拍人像,成像优秀,作为风景和扫街人像都能轻松驾驭。 本店只有俺会朋一人亲力亲为,大多在专注保养整理机器~so~回复稍慢,为提高沟通效率麻烦加朋友圈1119252198{经常 ...
Is the Ricoh RZ-750 a good camera? : r/AnalogCommunity - Reddit
2022年2月8日 · How was the RZ750? Would you recommend that? A quick Google search has people saying good things, but that it's a 40+ year old electronic camera that might not last much longer.
Ricoh RZ-750 - Camera – Kamerastore
Autofocus point & shoot 35mm camera released by Ricoh in 1989. Plastic body available in black. Lens: Ricoh 38 - 76mm f3.5 - 6.7 Zoom (7 elements, 6 groups) Minimum focus distance: 0.68m Shutter: 3s - 1/500s ISO range: 64 - 3200 (via DX code) Size: 140 x 74 x 59mm Weight: 365g.
Ricoh RZ-750 - Kamerastore
Autofocus point & shoot 35mm camera released by Ricoh in 1989. Plastic body available in black. We individually photograph each used item. You will get the exact item pictured plus any other accessories shown. This product comes with our standard 30 day return policy.
理光rz750相机使用教程 - 抖音
2024年4月6日 · 理光 Theta 360度无死角全景相机有前后两个鱼眼镜头,可以一键拍摄周围所有场景,并传送到手机专用APP,用手指对全景图像进行旋转、缩放等操作。 当然也可以拍摄全景视频,是娱乐、聚会的最佳纪录工具。 #全景相机. 理光黑白机分页器小常识分享! 用理光机器的赶紧收藏! 70岁的理光胶片双反相机,能拍出怎样的照片? 理光GR相机对焦方式在哪儿选择? #相机推荐 #教程 #理光 #学生相机推荐. 如何用GR相机开启静音拍摄? #教程分享 #相机设置 #相机 …
Ricoh RZ-750 - OldCamsByJens
Dive into the ease and versatility of 90s compact photography with the Ricoh RZ-750. This point-and-shoot gem from Ricoh is a testament to the era's technological advancements, offering photographers a blend of simplicity and functionality.
Ricoh RZ-750 Date Point&Shoot 38-76mm As-Is [55144432] - eBay
2024年10月1日 · “Checked Shutter & Zoom & Flash & Rewind working. The inner glass is almost no dusts. Bottom glass ”... Read more. An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used.
Ricoh RZ 750 - LensFayre
With an impressive ISO range, this camera is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a hard wearing and versatile camera that produces the goods in lots of conditions. It also features a self timer & red eye reduction. From day to night, this little guy has got you covered - a great one to take with you wherever you go!
Ricoh RZ-750 – Australian Analog
The Ricoh RZ-750 an autofocus zoom point and shoot film camera introduced by Ricoh in 1989. The RZ-750 was Ricoh's top of the line compact camera of the day with exceptional creative capabilities. It incorporates special modes that are very unique for a compact camera.
Camera: Ricoh RZ-750 · Lomography
Discover incredible analogue photos shot with the Ricoh RZ-750. Head to our Online Shop to explore our full range of creative Lomography cameras. You’re currently viewing this page in English. You can change your language preferences any time you like — just select your language from the dropdown list! Keep up to date with all things Lomography!
【値下げ】RICOH RZ-750 - ヨアケマエカメラ
リコーのズームレンズ搭載コンパクトカメラ、RZ-750です。 38-76mmの2倍ズームを搭載したやや大きめのカメラです。 日付写し込み機能は87年から19年までの表示に対応しています。 光量が足りない時にシャッターボタンを押し込むとフラッシュがポップアップします。 外観には汚れや使用感がみられ、年代相応の状態です。 レンズ、ファインダーは綺麗な状態です。 当店にて動作確認済みです。 この商品はゆうパックで発送します。 保証期間は3ヶ月です。 リコー …
Ricoh RZ-750 – Analogue Shop - Analogue Amsterdam
The Ricoh RZ-750 is equipped with a Ricoh 1:3.5-6.7, 38-76mm wide zoom lens and an autofocus/auto exposure system. Its functionalities provide all necessary needs for photographers of all levels. The Ricoh RZ-750 was Ricoh's top of the line camera back in the '80s. The camera is all-weather resistant and has an automatic red-eye reduction.
Ricoh RZ-750 – Pimlico Cameras
This all-black, classic looking point and shoot is packed full of useful features meaning has everything you could need for any shooting conditions. Features: 38-76mm f/3.5 zoom lens Autofocus Auto exposure Automatic film advance and …
Ricoh RZ-750 Date - Camera – Kamerastore
Autofocus 35mm compact camera released by Ricoh in 1989. It has continuous shooting, interval mode, multiple exposures, and other helpful modes. Plastic body available in black. Lens: Ricoh 38-76mm f6.7 (7 elements in 6 groups) Shutter: 3s - 1/500s ISO: 64 - 3200 (DX coding) Size: 140 x 74 x 59mm Weight: 372g.
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