S&P 500 Index - 90 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends
Interactive chart of the S&P 500 stock market index since 1927. Historical data is inflation-adjusted using the headline CPI and each data point represents the month-end closing value. The current month is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest value.
S&P 500 (^GSPC) Stock Historical Prices & Data - Yahoo Finance
Adjusted close price adjusted for splits and dividend and/or capital gain distributions. Discover historical prices for ^GSPC stock on Yahoo Finance. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to...
S&P 500 Historical Data (SPX) - Investing.com
Explore the complete S&P 500 historical data, offering detailed insights into daily prices, including open, high, low, volume, and percentage changes. Use this data to analyze long-term...
S&P 500 Index Price History & Chart since 1974
4 天之前 · S&P 500 index price interactive chart, yearly historical data, price highs and lows, and performance comparison to other indexes
S&P 500 Index Price & News - WSJ | SPX - The Wall Street Journal
S&P 500 Index | historical charts for SPX to see performance over time with comparisons to other stock exchanges.
S&P 500 (SPX) Historical Data - Nasdaq
Discover real-time S&P 500 (SPX) share prices, quotes, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Stay ahead with Nasdaq.
S&P 500 | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Graph and download economic data for S&P 500 from 1954-01-04 to 2025-03-06 about stock market, indexes, USA, 10-year, maturity, Treasury, interest rate, interest, rate, 2-year, secondary market, bills, and 3-month.
S&P 500 Index Price History - Barchart.com
The historical data and Price History for S&P 500 Index ($SPX) with Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly data available for download.
S&P 500 Returns By Year
See the annual returns by year for the S&P 500 from 1926 to 2023. The returns include dividends reinvested and show inflation adjusted returns.
S And P 500 Chart By Month | StatMuse Money
The average closing price for the S&P 500 (GSPC) all-time is $666.94. The latest price is $5,954.50.
S&P 500 Historical Prices by Year - Multpl
2021年1月1日 · S&P 500 Historical Prices table by year, historic, and current data. Current S&P 500 Historical Prices is 5,776.54, a change of +33.23 from previous market close.
United States Stock Market Index (US500) Index Price - TRADING …
United States Stock Market Index (US500) traded at 5,770.20 this Friday March 7th, increasing 31.68 or 0.55 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, US500 gained 4.88 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 12.62 percent.
S&P 500 (SP500) | FRED - St. Louis Fed
6 天之前 · View data of the S&P 500, an index of the stocks of 500 leading companies in the US economy, which provides a gauge of the U.S. equity market.
S&P 500 Historical Prices - Multpl
S&P 500 Historical Prices chart, historic, and current data. Current S&P 500 Historical Prices is 5,776.54, a change of +33.23 from previous market close.
S&P 500 Chart (large) - Markets Insider
S&P 500 Today: Get all information on the S&P 500 Index including historical chart, news and constituents.
S&P 500 Historical Returns & Monthly Performance Data | Amsflow
Explore S&P 500 index historical returns and monthly performance metrics. Access comprehensive data showing annual returns of 21.38% in 2024 and detailed monthly percentage changes.
S&P 500 Performance & Stats - YCharts
In depth view into S&P 500 including performance, historical levels from 1950, charts and stats.
S&P 500 Historical Price Data - Investing.com UK
Instantly access free historical price data for SPX 500. You will find the closing price, open, high, low, change and percentage change for the selected range of dates. The S&P 500...
S&P 500 Index Price History - Barchart.com
The historical data and Price History for S&P 500 Index ($SPX) with Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly data available for download.
S&P 500 (FRED:SP500) — Historical Data and Chart - TradingView
📉 Thursday – S&P has only a 38.1% chance of climbing, so if a pullback is coming, this is the day to watch. 🚨 Friday – Even weaker, with just a 33.3% chance of upside, keeping the bearish tone in play. Just historical data—something to keep in your back pocket while making moves. XRPUSD.
S&P 500 | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Graph and download economic data for S&P 500 from 1947-01-01 to 2025-03-05 about stock market, indexes, USA, headline figure, real, and GDP.
S&P 500 Historische Kurse - Investing.com
2025年2月3日 · Charts. Echtzeit Charts. Live-Charts; Forex-Chart; Futures-Chart; Aktien-Chart; ... KI-gestützte Aktienauswahl, die den S&P 500 schlägt, und das mit einer nachgewiesenen Erfolgsbilanz. Tech ...
Market Valuation: Is the Market Still Overvalued?
2025年3月5日 · Based on February's S&P 500 monthly data, the market is overvalued somewhere in the range of 110% to 179%, depending on the indicator. The chart below differs from the one above in that the three of our market valuation indicators, Crestmont P/E, P/E10, and Q-Ratio, are adjusted to their geometric mean rather than their arithmetic mean (which ...
Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Accumulation, VUAAN:MEX historical …
5 天之前 · Latest Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Accumulation (VUAAN:MEX) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.