Carried My S&W 327 2 Inch Today - Smith & Wesson Forum
2020年8月13日 · Carried My S&W 327 2 Inch Today So I finally decided to add my 327 to my carry rotation today using my new Speed Beez OWB leather holster and was surprised to see how easy it was to carry. Hardly knew it was there with little, if any , printing.
S&W 327 Holster for Concealed Carry - Smith & Wesson Forum
2010年10月23日 · S&W 327 Holster for Concealed Carry Hello: Not too long ago I finally came across a nice deal on a Smith and Wesson 327 Performance Center Aluminum/Scandium snubbie with the 1 7/8 inch barrel SKU number 170245.
S&W double action trigger pull - smith-wessonforum.com
2020年6月25日 · My S&W 327 is a Performance Center gun and it has an outstanding trigger. Double action on my Lyman Digital scale is a very smooth 8.133 pounds and single is 3.166. Could not be happier with the Performance Center action job on this gun. _____
327 PC front sight - smith-wessonforum.com
2009年10月17日 · 327 PC front sight Hey guys I've been thinking about getting a s&w 327 (the 2 in model). It has that red ramp front sight but I was really wanting to see if a front night sight was available.
S&W in .327 Fed Mag - smith-wessonforum.com
2023年12月23日 · I have a couple of questions re: 32's of recent manufacture by S&W. 1) Did they ever chamber a rev. for 327 Fed Mag. (seems I remember one).
Help- 327 PC 2” holster suggestions? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2025年2月10日 · Cylinder of the 327 is just about 1.75" in diameter and about the same length. Inside the waistband it would probably feel about like a golf ball. The combination of large frame, large cylinder and tiny barrel is likely to present some retention problems, so a thumb-break or retention strap should be considered for security.
S&W 327 R8 - smith-wessonforum.com
2013年9月29日 · s&w 327 r8 Tired of picking up brass at the range and thought I would like to have a newer modern revolver in a shorter than 6" barrel length. Watched a few reviews of the S&W 686-P, 586, 627, and TRR8/R8 on YouTube and …
A S&W .327 Federal Magnum? - Page 2 - smith-wessonforum.com
2016年4月17日 · I'd really like a 6' N-frame 327 Fed. I expect 9 rounds would be possible. The velocity data I've seen suggests the round really likes longer barrels.
Cleaning Titanium Alloy Cylinder - smith-wessonforum.com
2020年7月13日 · S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 8: 09-25-2012 01:29 PM: Cleaning a titanium cylinder: Jebus35745: S&W-Smithing: 10: 09-16-2011 09:13 PM: Need advice on cleaning Titanium cylinder: Warhorse1: S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 4: 04-16-2011 03:52 PM: cleaning a titanium cylinder: NZshooter: S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 6: 08-10 …
S&W 327 R8 Range Report - smith-wessonforum.com
2011年1月13日 · Took my S&W 327 R8 to the range today. For those who remember, I am new to revolvers but an experienced semi-auto shooter. I was very impressed with the accuracy and ergonomics of the 327. Even with the (comparatively) heavy DA trigger, I had no problems putting 190 of 200 rounds into the black at 10 yards (speed was 1 shot every 2 seconds).