PD 329 Revolver - Smith And Wesson Forums
2010年10月27日 · I just got word that my new S&W PD 329 revolver was on its way back from the factory with a new cylinder. It had only been shot about 200 times when I noticed deep …
Question for any members with a Mag-Na-Ported 329PD
2021年6月18日 · I have a 329 PD, haven't thought of porting it, but given the weight, I doubt it'd help recoil much. muzzle flip, maybe, some.. My 460V does benefit from having a …
329PD Rear Sight Fix | Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年7月15日 · i don't know why my piece is hitting low at 15yds with 240gr bullets. although i'm on target, it's always in the lower half of a 12"er. to hit on the bull, i have to hold nearly on the …
Alaska backpacker IV | Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年12月9日 · WOW, I didn't even know they made a 3-inch 329 I carried a 3-inch 629 for years in Alaska before going to a 4-inch 329. " The world is not dangerous because of those …
Replacing the pinned front sight on a S&W revolver
2019年12月29日 · Then 2; stoning enough off the bottom so it can sit vertically in the slot. Once I got the fit where I wanted it, I put the sight in, placed the gun in a padded vise, then I used the …
329PD Modified and then some.... - Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年3月7日 · Ok, take a look at this attachment, pretty much says where I'm at, at this point in the game,,,, as I said, Reaming the Cylinder Throats was a VERY-GOOD move, as I Shoot …
Just shot my new to me 329PD for the first time.
2021年7月9日 · Years ago I bought a new S&W model 337. Even standard pressure 38s were very snappy in the gun. Regretfully, I sold it on consignment in a local gun shop. A woman …
S&W Model 69 vs. Model 629 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年6月13日 · I’ve owned 5 29-629 from 4Inch 5 & 6 inch& a 83/8 I’ve shot a 69-& even tho I liked the 69.& 5 shots are ok I prefer the 29 it’s a 44 magnum it’s frame being a larger one …
Question about the 629-2 1/2" .44 Backpacker - Smith And …
2009年7月8日 · I think you have been the recipient of good advise; 4 inch barrel and Endurance package for heavy loads in a S&W 44 magnum. . .Now I see a 900 pound grizzly as 900 …
S&W born on dates? - Smith And Wesson Forums
2020年6月28日 · Buy the book. It's got lots of good interesting facts about S&W products over the years. Amazon.com: Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson (Standard Catalog of Smith and …