3913 opinions - Smith And Wesson Forums
2011年6月19日 · I have a 3913 built 07/93 that I bought like new in 2003 for $300.00. Came with the original box, papers and two mags. Always been a good pistol for me with no problems. I have heard some say they had problems with FTF, jamming, Etc. What is the general opinion of this weapon on this forum...
S&W 3913 - 6906 - 469 - 669 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2010年5月27日 · 6906 without a doubt. I carried a 669 both off and on duty for the last 14 years of my career and then replaced it with the 6906. It just fits my hand better than my 3913 and I shoot it better. The only difference between the two is the width of the grip and the mag capacity which makes the 6906 a bit heavier but not enough to make a difference to me.
39xx , parts and modern alternatives - Smith And Wesson Forums
2018年6月21日 · Weight: 28 ounces (S&W 3913: 24 ounces.) Length: 7.5" (S&W Model 3913: 6.75") Height: 5.25" (S&W Model 3913: 5.0") Barrel Length: 4.72" (S&W Model 3913: 3.5") Width: .9" Slide” and 1.2 grip (S&W 3913: 1.0") Magazine capacity: 15+1 rds (S&W Model: 8+1 rds) The BDM system was like no other and has never been imitated or duplicated. The BDM is an all …
S&W 3913 Sights - Smith And Wesson Forums
2009年6月8日 · My 70 year old eyes are having a major problem focusing on the standard 3 white dot sights and trying to find the target. Anybody had this problem and found a solution? This is a carry gun, so no red dot scope sights, etc. are applicable here. Would tritium night sights help, or …
The S&W 3913.... the gun Sig Sauer wished it could be. - AR15.COM
2015年4月10日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
S&W 3913NL With Factory Laser - Smith And Wesson Forums
2017年3月11日 · Why am a so enamored by the Smith & Wesson 3913 Lady Smith, especially the S&W 3913NL? I has to be the James Bond in me.
S&W Model 3913 NL - Squared and Slanted - Smith And Wesson …
2017年5月19日 · I'm not sure if the S&W 3913 LS has two versions like the S&W 3913 NL. Can someone share some light on these two different versions that I just happen to have in my home at the moment? I am going to assume the slanted is preferred, because it looks better and I also read somewhere that it is...
3913 NL manufacturer date? - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年5月2日 · Hi everyone, looking for a bit of help in narrowing down the year/month? manufacturer date of my 3913NL. From what I can tell on the internet the NL had a limited production run from 1990-1994? I've also read that you can call Smith and Wesson and ask for a manufacturer date but am not sure if...
Need owners manual for S W 3913 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年4月29日 · I recently purchased a 3913 and am in need of an owners manual. If anyone has one and would copy and send it to me I would be thankful and will pay whatever is needed for posting.
3913 Trigger - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年5月25日 · I recently purchase a 3913 and found the single action trigger to be very heavy. Don't have a gauge but compared to my other semi autos (Sig 2022 and S&W m&p 2.0)it is much heavier. Can this be fixed at a reasonable cost or is it going to be a major investment. Like the pistol, but hate...