纳米压印光刻 - 百度百科
纳米压印技术主要包括 热压印 (HEL),极紫外压印(UV-NIL)(包括进一闪光印(S-FIL)), 微接触印刷。 纳米压印是加工聚合物结构的最常用方法,它采用高分辨率电子束等方法将结构复杂 纳米结构 图案制在印章上,然后用预先图案化印章使聚合物材料变形 ...
Step & flash imprint lithography - ScienceDirect
Feb 1, 2005 · In 1999, Willson and Sreenivasan developed step and flash imprint lithography (S-FIL™). The use of a quartz template opens up the potential for optical alignment of the wafer and template. This paper reviews several key aspects of the S-FIL process, including template, tool, ultraviolet (UV)-curable monomer, and pattern transfer.
Status of Step and Flash Imprint Lithography tools and processes
This article discusses various process capability of S-FIL including imprint resolution and line edge roughness; field-to-field CD control; imprinted film thickness uniformity; process life and defect data; and overlay alignment accuracy.
New developments in S-FIL technology - IEEE Xplore
Oct 28, 2005 · The Step and Flash/spl trade/ Imprint Lithography (S-FIL/spl trade/) process has been developed around a low viscosity, UV curable monomer that allows processing at pressures of < 0.5psi and room temperatures. This leads to a gentle process that has low defectivity and high throughput.
Nanoimprint lithography steppers for volume fabrication of
Sep 25, 2017 · This article discusses the transition of a form of nanoimprint lithography technology, known as Jet and Flash Imprint Lithography (J-FIL), from research to a commercial fabrication infrastructure...
步进和闪光压印光刻,Materials Today - X-MOL
本文回顾了 S-FIL 工艺的几个关键方面,包括模板、工具、紫外线 (UV) 固化单体和图案转移。 还介绍了两种应用:接触孔和表面声波 (SAW) 滤波器。
Materials for step and flash imprint lithography (S-FIL ® )
Step and flash imprint lithography, or S-FIL ®, was introduced in 1999 by The University of Texas at Austin (Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 1999, 3676, 379), and has progressed from an academic curiosity to commercialization in less than five years (J. Microlithogr., Microfabr., Microsyst., 2005, 4, 1).
Nanoimprint Lithography Materials Development for …
Step and flash imprint lithography (S-FIL, a trademark of Molecular Imprints, Inc.) is a variant of NIL that can be performed at room temperature and low pressure. In S-FIL, a low-viscosity liquid imprint material is hardened in a patterned template by exposure to UV light. S-FIL is ideally suited to integrated-circuit device fabrication.
用于半导体器件制造的纳米压印光刻材料开发,Annual Review of …
步进和闪光压印光刻(S-FIL,Molecular Imprints, Inc. 的商标)是 NIL 的一种变体,可以在室温和低压下进行。 在 S-FIL 中,低粘度液体压印材料通过暴露在紫外线下而在图案化模板中硬化。
The Step and Flash Imprint Lithography (SFIL) process
The Step and Flash Imprint Lithography (SFIL) process is a low-cost, high-throughput patterning technique with a sub- 100 nm resolution capability. Investigation by...
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