Phase II/III study of SM-88 in patients with metastatic pancreatic ...
2021年1月22日 · Background: SM-88 (racemetyrosine, Tyme Inc) is a dysfunctional tyrosine derivative used with MPS (methoxsalen 10mg, phenytoin 50mg and sirolimus 0.5mg). SM-88 was well tolerated with improvement in survival among select heavily pretreated PDAC patients who achieved stable disease (HR 0.08, p = 0.02) (Noel et al. Annal Oncol 2019).
今天,FDA宣布,授予创新药物SM-88(racemetyrosine)授予了 孤儿药 地位,用于治疗胰腺癌患者。 这标志着SM-88是基于癌症代谢的化合物研发中出现的一个重要里程碑!
mTOR靶点的老药和新面孔 |mTOR|雷帕霉素|西罗莫司|新面孔|抑制 …
2021年11月4日 · racemetyrosine (SM-88)是一种新型的联合疗法,包括四种药物,由酪氨酸衍生物(D,L-α-甲基酪氨酸),mTOR抑制剂(西罗莫司),CYP3a4诱导剂(苯妥英)和氧化应激催化剂(甲氧沙林)组成。
晚期胰腺癌新药!SM-88治疗显著延长患者生存期 香港港安肿瘤中心特讯:近日宣布,其在研药物组合SM-88…
2019年7月8日 · 香港港安肿瘤中心特讯:近日宣布,其在研药物组合SM-88,作为单药疗法,在治疗晚期胰腺癌患者的开放标签,多中心2期临床试验TYME-88-Panc中,与历史数据相比,显著延长患者的总生存期 (OS),并展示了良好的耐受性和安全性。
Savoia-Marchetti SM.88 - Wikipedia
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.88, was an Italian twin-engined, three-seat, heavy fighter prototype of World War II, featuring a twin-boom structure, and powered by German Daimler-Benz DB 601 engines. The SM.88, intended for export, was a land-based, multi-role heavy fighter regarded as an advanced combat aircraft at the time of its debut in 1939.
SM-88 therapy in patients with advanced or metastatic pancreatic …
2018年2月26日 · Background: SM-88 (tyrosine derivative, mTOR inhibitor, CYP3a4 inducer and oxidative stress catalyst) is a relatively non-toxic, targeted therapy that utilizes the Warburg Effect in combination with oxidative stress to cause tumor cell death.
SM-88治疗晚期胰腺癌患者的TYME-88-Panc II期研究:整体生存趋 …
A first-in-human study of the novel metabolism-based anti ... - PubMed
Purpose SM-88 (D,L-alpha-metyrosine; racemetyrosine) is a novel anti-cancer agent, used with melanin, phenytoin, and sirolimus (SMK Therapy). This pilot first-in-human study characterized the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SMK Therapy in subjects with advanced metastatic cancer.
A randomized phase II study of SM-88 plus methoxsalen
Background: This trial explores SM-88 used with methoxsalen, phenytoin, and sirolimus (MPS) in pretreated metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC) METHODS: Forty-nine patients were randomized to daily 460 or 920 mg oral SM-88 with MPS (SM-88 Regimen). The primary endpoint was objective response rate (RECIST 1.1).
Phase II trial of SM-88, a cancer metabolism based therapy, in non ...
Racemetyrosine (SM-88) is an amino-acid analogue used with methoxsalen, phenytoin, and sirolimus (MPS) to enhance SM-88 activity. Method A phase 1b/2, open-label trial in BRPC and rising PSA. Patients were given daily SM-88 (230 mg BID), methoxsalen (10 mg), phenytoin (50 mg), and sirolimus (0.5 mg)).