H.A.R.P.Perera - Google Scholar
Senior lecturer, Dpt of Kaumarabhruthya and Streeroga,GWUIM - Cited by 4 - Gynecology(Sthree roga) - Obstetrics (Prasuti Tantra) - Pediatrics (Bala Roga) Loading...
OmVeda Wellness- Ayurvedic Healing Center
Dr. Vaisakh S is a distinguished Ayurvedic doctor based in Trivandrum, Kerala, with a profound lineage in Ayurveda spanning four generations. His career seamlessly blends academic excellence with extensive clinical practice. He is the proud owner and lead practitioner at two well-established Ayurvedic clinics in Trivandrum.
Prasuti Tantra and Sthree roga - Amrita Ayurveda Hospital
We have a well-established department for Streeroga & Prasuti Tantra which deals with clinical, academic and research aspects of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Ayurveda.
Responsible Online Gaming Association
The Responsible Online Gaming Association (ROGA) brings most of the nation's of largest online gaming operators to advance the industry's commitment to promote responsible online gaming. ROGA aims to educate, equip, and empower consumers to …
In Ayurveda the term given for Gynecology is Sthree roga and Obstetrics is Prasoothi tantra. Ayurveda states the ideal guidelines to be followed during pregnancy under the garbhini paricharya. It has given a detailed description of ahara (nutrition), vihara (life style) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy.
Sathakuppa & Sthree roga| single drug for PCOD, FIBROID
Gynaecological disorders and AyurvedaSathakuppa and it's different types of uses in Sthree rogaDr Priya Anumod MD(Ay) Marian Ayurveda ThrissurPh 7012142804
BLDEA’s AVS. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hospital & Research …
Prasuti Tantra and Sthree Roga This branch provides training in Ayurvedic gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics. Students are trained in diagnosis, investigation and treatment of antenatal care, pregnancy-related complications, delivery, post-delivery care, and female health care as per Ayurveda and contemporary practice of medicine.
Vaydya Ayurveda - Special Treatments for * STHREE ROGA.
2022年11月23日 · special treatments for * sthree roga - pcod- fibroids- infertility * pain-arthritis-spinal disorders - digestion * ano - rectal (piles) varicose vein * cosmetology hair skin related vaydya...
(PPT) pathya and apathya in sthree roga - Academia.edu
Mots. Les langages du politique, 2011. Discourses of/about the past(s). Overview of research Recent research focuses on a range of salient oral, written, and visual genres, such as commemorative speeches at various salient national or transnational days in the Netherlands, Denmark, the US and the UK, Austria and Germany 1 , the discourses of truth and reconciliation tribunals in South Africa ...
Members — Responsible Online Gaming Association
The Responsible Online Gaming Association (ROGA) is comprised of most of the largest online gaming companies in the United States. Collectively, they have contributed an initial investment of more than $20 million to promote responsible online gaming including supporting independent research, promoting best practices, and driving consumer and ...