S-300VM missile system - Wikipedia
The S-300VM "Antey-2500" (Russian: С-300ВМ Антеӣ-2500, NATO reporting name SA-23 Gladiator/Giant) is a Russian anti-ballistic missile system. The system is designed to target short-and medium-range ballistic missiles, aeroballistic missiles, cruise missiles, fixed-wing aircraft, loitering ECM platforms, and precision-guided munitions.
S-300导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
S-300 (俄语: С-300, 北約代號: SA-10「轰鸣」 (英語: Grumble)是 苏联 国土防空军 第三代 地对空导弹 系统,用于从超低空到高空、近距离到超远程的全空域,以抗击密集多目标空袭。 該系統在後蘇聯衝突、 阿以冲突 [1] 、 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭 、 2024年伊朗—以色列衝突 [2] 中多次參與防空實戰,而其中除了雙方一般的戰鬥損失,此套系統也曾有挪用來對地攻擊之紀錄。 [3][4][5] 六十年代后期,苏联国土防空作战面临抗击敌人高空 超音速 突破到低空超低空超音速 …
S-300防空导弹 - 百度百科
s-300防空导弹(基本型号:s-300p,s-300v和s-300f,北约代号:sa-10,sa-12和sa-n-20),是苏联/ 俄罗斯 研发的第三代防空导弹系统的合称 [1] ,俄军方规定其包括射程超过150千米、射高在25到30千米之间的地空导弹武器系统。
S-300VM (Antey-2500) Anti-Ballistic Missile Defence System
The S-300VM (Antey-2500, NATO name: SA-23 Gladiator / Giant) is a long-range, multi-channel anti-ballistic missile defence system designed and manufactured by Almaz-Antey, which provides warfighters with enhanced combat capabilities.
S-300V Air and Missile Defense System
A modified version of the S-300V system was revealed in 1998, called the S-300VM, or “Antey-2500.” The Antey-2500 variant has a range of 200 km, a max altitude of 30 km, and can engage 24 targets simultaneously.
S-300VM Antey-2500 SA-23 Gladiator Gian - Army Recognition
2024年7月25日 · The S-300VM (Antey-2500) air defence missile system is designed to protect task forces and vital national and military installations from mass attacks of medium range ballistic missiles, theatre/tactical ballistic missiles, aeroballistic and cruise missiles, strategic and tactical aircraft, as well as to engage AWACS-type aircraft ...
Anti-aircraft missile system S-300V / S-300VM Antey-2500
The S-300V SAM is the first mobile universal missile and air defence system. The head designer of the S-300V is the Electromechanical Research Institute (NEMI) (Chief Designer V.P. Efremov). Joint testing of the system was carried out at the Emba Range of the GRAU MO in 1985-1986.
S-300VM防空系统 - 百度百科
S-300VM也被称作“安泰”(Antey)-2500,是目前防空系统家族的出口版本,与S-300P系列同时开发而来,其可以发射两种导弹,一种用于拦截 中程弹道导弹 ,一种用于打击飞行器类目标。
苏联/俄罗斯第三代防空导弹系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
俄罗斯S-300V地空导弹系统的主要性能 - 百度知道
s-300v系列包括s-300v(sa-12)和在其基础上改进的“安泰”2500两种系统型号。 该系列在世界上首次将9M82(SA-12A) “ 巨人”,9M83(SA-12B)“斗士”两种导弹系统综合在一个武器系统中。