S-mine - Wikipedia
The S-mine was an anti-personnel mine developed by Germany in the 1930s and used extensively by German forces during World War II. It was designed to be used in open areas against unshielded infantry .
S型地雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
S型地雷 (德語: Schrapnellmine, 英語: S-mine),又稱為“弹跳贝蒂(Bouncing Betty )”,为 德国陆军 於 第二次世界大战 期間所使用之 地雷。 S型地雷的变体有SMi-35型地雷和SMi-44型地雷,两者主要差别在于,SMi-35 的引信位于雷体的中央,而SMi-44型地雷的引信则是中央偏向一侧的位置。 S型地雷被触发后,发射药会将其上推至0.9米和1.5米高的空中,然后在半秒之内,主装药引爆,钢珠四溅,极大地杀伤位于周围的士兵。 S型地雷于1935年投入生产,是 第三帝国 …
Bouncing Betty: The Story Behind the Scary ‘Bouncing Betty’ S-Mine
2021年4月23日 · One such terrifying weapon is the S-mine, more commonly known as the Bouncing Betty. The S-mine is a type of bounding mine, a specific class of mines that are launched into the air before detonating at a desired height. The S-mine in particular jumped to a height of around 1 meter, where it then exploded a filling of shrapnel to nearby troops.
S Mine Facts (Bouncing Betty) - World War 2 Facts
2021年6月10日 · The S mine (also known as Bouncing Betty or the Splittermine in German) was one of the most lethal versions of German mines in World War II. When the mine was activated, it would launch into the air and detonate approximately three feet in the air (just shy of three feet at 2 feet and 11 inches).
S-mine - Military Wiki | Fandom
When triggered, these mines launch into the air and then detonate at about 0.9 meters (2 ft 11 in). The explosion projects a lethal spray of shrapnel in all directions. The S-mine was an anti-personnel landmine developed by Germany in the 1930s and used extensively by German forces during World War II.
S-マイン - Wikipedia
S-マイン(ドイツ語: S-mine, Schrapnellmine :榴散弾 地雷、の意)は、第二次世界大戦でドイツ軍が使用していた対人地雷の1つである。 「エス=マイン」は 英語 読みで、 ドイツ語 読みでは「エス=ミーネ」ないし「エス=ミイネ」となる。
"Mine" vs. "Mine's" in the English Grammar - LanGeek
When Can 'Mine' Take 's? However, if ' s ' is not for expressing possessiveness or belonging, but to show the abbreviated form of ' is ' or ' has ', then you can safely use 'mine's' without the fear of making a mistake. Your hat is red. Mine's (→ Mine is) blue.
Set up Outlook to use S/MIME encryption - Microsoft Support
There are two types of encryption options: S/MIME and Microsoft Purview Message Encryption using Information Rights Management (IRM). When you have a Microsoft 365 qualifying subscription, Outlook supports message encryption based on Information Rights Management.To use message encryption, you must have Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, which is included in the Office 365 Enterprise E3 ...
S/MIMEとは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった …
2017年5月28日 · s/mime (読:エス・マイム) とは 「暗号化 (ルールを知っている人しか意味を読み取れないようにするために、特定のルールに従って、データをぐちゃぐちゃにすること) と電子署名 (コンピュータの世界のハンコ) を使ってメールのショボい ...
Configure S/MIME For Windows | Microsoft Learn
2025年2月25日 · Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) provides an added layer of security for email sent to and from an Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) account. S/MIME enables users to encrypt outgoing messages and attachments so that …