S-Parameters for Antennas (S11, S12, ...) - Antenna Theory
S-parameters for an antenna are introduced. S11 is known as the return loss, or how much power is reflected from the transmitter to an antenna. S21 or S12 represents power coupled from one port to another, a useful parameter for determining coupled power from one antenna to another.
rfplot - MathWorks
Use the sparameters function to create a set S-parameters. Plot all the S-parameters. Plot S21. Plot the angle of S21 in degrees. Plot the real part of S21. Create an S-parameter object from a three-port Touchstone file. Plot S12, S13, S22, S23, S32, and S33. Create an S-parameter object from a three-port Touchstone file.
ADS(Advanced Design system)仿真后绘图和绘图技巧 - CSDN …
2021年10月3日 · 本文详细介绍了如何使用Advanced Design System (ADS)进行电子设计自动化仿真,并展示了如何根据仿真结果绘制和修改直角坐标图、极坐标图、Smith图等。 内容包括选择数据源、绘制曲线、添加函数表达式、修改图形样式以及利用Marker进行数据点标记和联动。 此外,还涵盖了不同类型的标记及其修改方法,为射频、微波和信号完整性应用的分析提供了实用技巧。 先进设计系统 Advanced Design system(ADS)Agilent Technologies 是领先的电子设计 …
S-parameter Utilities Spreadsheet - Microwaves101
Smith chart plots. Start by copying your nine column S-parameters data in the "Enter data" spreadsheet. Be sure that S21 is in Column D and E, and S12 is in column F and G, the spreadsheet assumes this. Be sure to copy file headers and other identifying information in the space provided, so you don't forget what you are looking at!
How to interpret s parameters including S21 on Smith chart on …
2019年8月13日 · For S21, the magnitude plot makes sence, because it goes to 0, meaning no energy from port 1 is appearing at port 2. However, I don't understand why the Smith chart would show 1 + j0 at the 5 Ghz point. It looks like for S11, the chart plots the impedance, from which the reflection coefficient is calculated, that represents S11.
How to extract S-parameters (S11, S21, S21, and S22) from passive ...
2023年12月6日 · This is not a complete S-parameters extraction, as my work normally only requires to get S11 (sometime S21), and this is the method I use. I have a more detail explanation upload to Github for your reference.
Data Analysis on S-Parameters of RF Data Files - MathWorks
In this section, find, store, and plot the S21 data from the AWS downlink band (2.11 - 2.17 GHz). To determine whether the data follows a normal distribution and if there is an outlier, perform statistical analysis on the magnitude and group delay of all passband S21 data sets.
S-parameters Measurement Using VNA - Sierra Circuits
2024年1月17日 · S11 measures how much of a wave is reflected by an impedance discontinuity in the transmission channel, and S21 measures the insertion loss. Return loss is a measure of signal loss caused by reflection or discontinuity in a transmission line, while VSWR is the ratio of maximum to minimum reflected voltage on a transmission line.
use RF toolbox to plot S21 vs frequency for different dB signals
2024年3月13日 · From the information shared, I could infer that you want to plot "S21 parameter" values in dB versus frequency in MATLAB. Please follow the below mentioned steps to plot "S21 values" in dB for 30 S-parameter datasets at equally spaced frequency values: Extract the "S21 values" at the desired frequencies from each dataset.
在HFSS中如何快速查看.snp S参数文件 - 仿真秀
方法一使用Network Data Explorer工具,可以直观地查看S参数曲线,并支持差分对定义。 方法二使用Import solutions导入.snp文件,在create report下plot S11、S21,但不支持差分对定义,无法查看差分S参数。 硕士 | 高级射频工程... 大隐隐于市. 本文摘要(由AI生成):文章介绍了两种查看S参数曲线的方法。 方法一使用Network Data Explorer工具,可以直观地查看S参数曲线,并支持差分对定义。 方法二使用Import solutions导入.snp文件,在create report下plot S11、S21, …