This page is mainly introduced the EN S355K2G3 Datasheet, including chemical information,mechanical properties, physical properties, mechanical properties, heat treatment, and Micro structure, etc.
S355K2G3 (EN ) - Worldwide equivalent grades - Steel Number
European equivalent grade for Non-alloy quality structural steel S355K2G3 (EN ): S355K2 (+N) (1.0595) Chemical composition and properties of european equivalents (EN) for S355K2G3 (European old, EN ):
EN S355K2G3 Chemical composition, EN S355K2G3 Properties, EN S355K2G3 …
This page cover the Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference of Euronorm EN EN S355K2G3 steel grade, Application Euronorm Structural steel,
《S355K2G3》所有符号含义如下:S 结构用钢355 规定的最小屈服点(MPa)K2 -20℃下的冲击功不低于40J(K表示要求40J,2表示-20℃) G3 要求全镇静钢。
EN S355K2G3钢材化学成分-热处理-物理性能介绍-全球钢材百科网
Euronorm EN Structure Steel EN S355K2G3,及该型号钢材的基本信息、化学元素成分、机械性能、力学性能、热处理温度、同等型号参照表等。
EU EN 10025 S355K2G3 / S355K2G3 Datasheet, chemical …
This page cover the S355K2G3/S355K2G3 Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, S355K2G3 Datasheet, Cross Reference of S355K2G3 Mainly used for 非合金结构钢热轧产品交货技术条件.
EN 10025-2 S355K2 high strength structural steel plate …
S355K2 is a low carbon, high tensile strength structural steel which can be readily welded to other weldable steel. With its low carbon equivalent, it possesses good cold-forming properties. The plate is produced by fully killed steel process and supplied in normalized or controlled rolling condition. S355K2 Application.
请问国外牌号S355K2G3相当于国标什么材质? - 百度知道
S355K2G3所有符号含义如下: S 结构用钢 355 规定的最小屈服点 (MPa) K2 -20℃下的冲击功不低于40J (K表示要求40J,2表示-20℃) 简单的说就是物体看起来是什么质地。
S355K2G3属于碳钢还是不锈钢 - 百度知道
2013年1月31日 · 根据 EN 10025 标准规定:S355K2G3所有符号含义如下:S结构用钢,355规定的最小屈服点(MPa),K2 -20℃下的冲击功不低于40J(K表示要求40J,2表示-20℃), G3要求全镇静钢。
德国DIN S355K2G3非合金结构钢热轧产品交货技术条件及力学属性、化学成分、对照.