S355JR Steel (1.0045 Material) Properties & Equivalent
S355JR steel (1.0045 material) is one of the quality grades in S355 steel group, the steel has a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa (51 ksi) when the thickness is ≤16mm, and the minimum impact energy 27J at room temperature 20 °C (68 °F).
Material S355 Steel Properties, Equivalent Grade, EN 10025-2
S355 steel is a European standard structural steel which is commonly used in Europe, the material is better than S235 and S275 structural steel in yield strength, tensile strength and other properties. According to EN 10025, S355 material is divided into …
S355JR / 1.0045 - SteelNumber - Chemical composition, …
S355JR Number: 1.0045 Classification: Non-alloy quality structural steel Standard:
S355JR、S355J0、S355J2、S355K2对应国标材质 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一、 S355JR 就是 BS EN 10025;S355JR相当于我国相当于我国——低合金高强度结构钢的钢号(欧标EN10025)。 其中355是指:屈服强度355MPa。 屈服强度355MPa相当于GB的Q345常说的低合金板。 JR表示该号没有冷成型等特殊要求,我国最接近的材料是: Q345B。 三、 S355J2 执行标准:EN10025,是s355j2欧标低合金钢板。 S355J2就是普通的欧洲低合金钢板,一般的中厚板钢厂都可以生产,生产标准参照EN10025即可。 仅供参考,对应需要 根据您客户的具体的 …
Steel S355JR: characteristics, properties, analogues - Metinvest
Steel grade S355JR is used to manufacture hot-rolled flat and long products, which are subsequently used when producing steel building structures. Classification: Non-alloy structural steel. Products: Flat and long products, semi-finished products.
S355JR Steel (1.0045 Material) Properties & Equivalent
2025年2月28日 · S355JR steel, designated as 1.0045, is widely used in construction and building frameworks, bridges, and structural components due to its high strength and weldability. It is also applied in the manufacturing of heavy machinery, vehicle chassis, and energy infrastructure such as power plants and offshore structures, where durability and impact ...
S355JR is a grade of low-carbon steel commonly used in structural applications. It is part of the “S” family of steels, which includes S235, S275, and S355 grades. S355JR steel has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it suitable for use in load-bearing structures such as bridges, buildings, and offshore structures. It has a
S355JR 1.0045 - EN 10025-2-2004 - 材数库
① 名义厚度>100mm,C含量经协商。 ② 长形产品P和S含量为0.005%或更高。 ③ 对于长形产品,如果改变钢材中硫化物的形态,为改善机械性能S含量的最大值增加0.015%,化学成分为最低值0.0020%的Ca。 ④ Cu含量若超出0.40%,热定形时可引起热脆性。 ⑤ 如果化学成分为最低值0.020%的铝的总含量或者最低值0.015%的铝酸溶液或者当有其他氮粘结剂存在的条件下,不使用氮的最大值。 在这种情况下氮粘结剂应该记录在检验文件中。 ⑥ 如果添加其他元素,应该在 …
S355JR Steel Data Sheet: Properties & Composition - studylib.net
2016年11月2日 · Explore the properties of S355JR steel: composition, mechanics, temperatures. A concise data sheet for engineering applications.
S355JR 1.0045 - DIN EN 10025-2-2019 - 材数库
①本标准说明了扁长产品及半成品的技术供货条件,规定了明确的供货条款下,按照化学成分表及机械性能表中给出热轧非合金优质钢平板和长形产品的组别和等级。 此标准也对三种工程类用钢做了补充说明。 此标准不适用于中空型材结构和管材。 ——对于其他强度等级和质量级别的板材和长形产品,厚度≤250mm。 ③除在+N (正火状态)条件下供货的产品外,此标准中说明的钢制品未经热处理。 允许进行消除应力退火。 在+N条件下供货的产品可进行热成形和/或供货后正火。 …